34-20 the Channel of Charisma in Human Design is the only Manifesting Generator channel. It’s the only channel that connects Sacral center to the Throat center.
Whoever has this channel is a Manifesting Generator and only Manifesting Generators can have this channel.
34-20 the Channel of Charisma connects gate 34 in the Sacral center with gate 20 in the Throat center. Gate 34, called the gate of power, is empowered by response. It works in response.
And gate 20, the gate of the now, is manifested in the now. In the present moment.
34-20 is one of the channels in individual circuitry. More specifically, it’s in the group of the integration channels. This means that this design is self-empowered, self-sufficient, and independent. It doesn’t like to follow directions from others.
This is a design where awareness must become a deed. Where thoughts must become actions.
Sacral response of 34-20 the Channel of Charisma
Let’s talk about your Sacral response if you have an undefined Solar Plexus center and this channel creates your Sacral Authority.
The response of the 34-20 channel is the rise of the energy. You physically get up and move into action right away. As we’ve said, you have gate 34 which is empowered by response attached to gate 20 which takes action in the now.
Notice what are the things that make you want to get up and execute right away. On the other hand, notice what are the things that make your body pull away when thinking about doing them.
Learn more:
Wait to Respond Strategy in Human Design Explained
Sacral Authority in Human Design Explained // follow your gut
Potential areas for growth of 34-20 the Channel of Charisma
This channel loves being busy to the point where it’s so immersed in what it’s doing that everything else becomes irrelevant. Someone can ask you ”Hey, can you come see this?” and you’ll think to yourself ”You don’t exist to me right now. I’m 100% in my element.”
Since you love being busy, notice when you’re doing things just for the sake of being busy. Just so that you have something to do.
Keep in mind that we’re talking about a Manifesting Generator here. As I’ve said in the beginning, only Manifesting Generators can have this channel. And Manifesting Generators like to have 100 different projects and hobbies, often all at the same time. Their hands are never idle.
And it’s even easier to fall into this trap of always wanting to be busy when you’re not aware of your open centers or your distractions.
With an undefined Head center, you’re easily inspired and everything can sound like a good idea. But ask yourself, am I saying yes to this just because it gives me something to keep me busy or because I genuinely want to do this?
With an undefined G center, are you doing something just to show others that you know your direction in life?
Undefined Ego center, are you doing something just to prove yourself to others?
With an undefined Solar Plexus, are you doing things just to please other people and keep the peace?
And even if you have all 9 centers defined, you can still get distracted.
Make sure you’re not wasting this powerful energy on doing things that you don’t even want to do. Don’t mentally rationalize your responses. Let go of what you convinced yourself you should be doing and follow what makes you get up and jump into action because you’re so excited by it. Follow your excitement even when you don’t know where it will lead you.
This is a channel that loves being busy and it can be tempting to fill your schedule with a bunch of things just for the sake of being busy. However, recognize the difference between mentally convincing yourself to do something by saying I should/I could vs. your Sacral response pulling you towards that.
This is a powerful channel but if you’re using this energy on the wrong things – things you don’t have a yes Sacral response for, you won’t feel any reward or satisfaction no matter how much energy you’re putting into it.
Instead, it’ll only lead to frustration (Manifesting Generator’s Not-Self Theme) since you’re doing things that your Sacral is just not into.
Also know that just because you’re good at something or if you’ve been doing something for a long time, doesn’t mean you have to stick to it.
Follow the excitement of your Sacral response and ask yourself:
Do I genuinely enjoy this?
Does my body want to get up or pull back when I think about this?
Do I have an expansive sacral response towards this or am I doing this just for the sake of being busy?
Just yes or no. Be honest with yourself.
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Until the next time,
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