Have you ever wondered, should I start a podcast? Everyone is talking about podcasts and you’re thinking ‘’Hmm, maybe I could start a podcast…’’ If you’re not clear on whether or not you should start a podcast, in this post I’ll share with you telltale signs you should start a podcast.
Let’s dive in!
11 signs you should start a podcast:
1) you love listening to podcasts
Do you like listening to podcasts?
Before I started my own podcast (The La Ivana Podcast) in early 2020, I loved listening to other people’s podcasts. I enjoyed the podcasting format and how convenient it is.
I was listening to podcasts while driving on the bus, getting ready, washing the dishes… Always.
If you enjoy that format and you have some favorite podcasts you love listening to, it could be a sign that podcasting is just the right thing for you.
2) you want to start a podcast
This is such a simple sign you should start a podcast but it’s often overlooked. Do you want to start a podcast?
Do you want to host your own podcast?
If so, then there is no need to overthink it anymore.
3) your friends are telling you you should start a podcast (and you don’t mind hearing that)
If your friends are telling you you should start a podcast and you actually don’t mind hearing that, take it as one of the signs you should start a podcast.
If you’re thinking to yourself ‘’Yeah, I actually should!’’ then there’s obviously a part of you that wants to start a podcast.
On the other hand, if you hate it when your friends tell you you should start a podcast and you hate podcasts, then podcasting is maybe not for you.
4) you can see yourself as a podcast host
Do you sometimes imagine what it would be like to have your own podcast? Can you see yourself as a podcast host?
You can try this exercise right now.
Imagine yourself with a microphone, recording a podcast episode, and having a successful podcast. You have a community of people who can’t wait for your next episode. Podcasting has become one of your favorite things in the world.
How does it feel? If you like that visual, it might be one of the signs you should start a podcast.
5) you thought about starting a podcast (but something always got in the way)
Have you already considered starting a podcast?
Maybe you wanted to start a podcast, but:
– you thought it would take too much time
– you didn’t know how to start a podcast
– it seemed too confusing and overwhelming
– you were worried you would run out of ideas after the 3rd episode
– you were worried no one would listen to your podcast
I’m here to help you start (and grow) your podcast in a stress-free way.
I postponed the launch of my podcast for more than a year and I don’t want you to repeat the same mistake.
If you can relate to the list I shared above, read my previous post about common podcasting myths that are just holding you back from starting a podcast.
Read next:
4 Most Common Podcasting Myths Debunked
6) you want to connect with like-minded people
No matter what topics you talk about on your podcast, you will attract people interested in the same things.
There are all kinds of podcasts and nothing is ‘’too weird.’’ Maybe you’re interested in some things that your friends just don’t understand. The podcasting world is much larger than your friend group.
There is no topic you should convince yourself that no one would be interested in.
You can find successful podcasts about:
– books
– Human Design
– non-monogamy
– tennis
– creating/launching online courses
– fetishes
– video games
– friendships
– food
Anything you can think of – there are successful podcasts about it.
And there are many podcasts that mix all kinds of topics.
If you’re interested in, for example, personal growth or astrology and you want to create your own community of people interested in similar things – starting a podcast is a great way to do it.
Plus, you can interview guests who are interested or maybe experts in certain fields. On my podcast, I interviewed Law of Attraction and manifestation mentors, business coaches, Human Design guides, etc.
It’s a great way to meet new people and connect with people who just get you.
Read next:
8 Lessons I’ve Learned From Podcasting For 2+ Years
7) you have a desire to share your opinions, knowledge, and experiences
Do you want to share your opinions with the world?
Do you sometimes think to yourself ‘’More people need to know this’’?
Maybe you want to share your opinions on books you’re reading, environmental issues, veganism, politics, movies…
Or you want to share your knowledge in personal growth, business, finances, plants, fitness, astrology, languages…
Or you want to share your experience with relationships, traveling, side-hustling, video games…
If you have a desire to share what you’ve been through, what you’ve learned, or the perspectives you have – that’s one of the signs you should start a podcast.
Signs you should start a podcast if you have your own business:
8) you love audio format for content creation
If I was talking about signs you should start an Instagram account, I would probably say – you love photography.
So when it comes to podcasting, one of the signs you should start a podcast is – you love audio format for content creation.
You feel like it would just fit your business model and you would love to go in that direction.
9) you want to build a larger audience
Podcasts are also a search engine.
I often went on Spotify, searched for a specific topic, and found new podcasts to listen to.
Recently, I searched ‘’shadow work’’ and there was a list of episodes from podcasts I had never even heard of that were talking about shadow work.
If you optimize your podcast and your episodes in an effective way, you’ll easily grow your dream audience.
There are many people in the world who need exactly what you want to share on your podcast.
10) you want to create engaging content that lasts more than 24 hours
You spend time creating TikToks and Instagram posts/reels. You get 20 likes in the first 24 hours and then… Crickets.
On the other hand, when you upload a podcast episode, it lasts.
Last year, I wanted to listen to podcast interviews with Jen Sincero. I searched ‘’Jen Sincero’’ on Spotify and listened to interviews that were uploaded more than 2 years ago.
In the same way, when I look at my weekly podcast analytics, there are some episodes that I uploaded months or years ago that are in the top 5 for that specific week.
If you want to create engaging content that’s not going to disappear in a few days – podcasting could be the right thing for you.
11) you want to position yourself as an expert
Podcasting is a great way to share more about your field of expertise.
When you provide consistent quality content on your podcast, you’re going to develop trust with your audience.
It’s not about the length of your episodes. You don’t need to record 40-minute-long episodes if you don’t want to.
I follow one life coach who records weekly 10-minute episodes that are to the point and packed full of value. It shows that she knows her stuff and that she has a ton of experience in what she’s teaching.
If you want to start a podcast, know that you can do it your way. In a way that feels authentic and enjoyable for you.
Until the next time,
This is a great list. I’ve actually been throwing around the podcast idea as a way to kind of have discussions with my community.
Such great tips here! I love the idea of a podcast, but it scares me a little if I’m being honest. 🙂
This is exactly the article I have been looking for!! It is so motivating. Your site is beautiful!!