Let’s talk about how you can use your Strategy, Authority, centers, and channels to create a life in your Success Signature Theme as a Projector in Human Design. I’ll also share questions for reflection to understand where your Not-Self Theme and Signature Theme come from so that you can make sustainable changes in your life.
Let’s dive in!
1) Aligned way to use your Projected channels
As a Projector, you only have Projected channels that work best when recognized and invited.
Let’s take 18-58 the Channel of Judgment as an example.
This channel has a gift for identifying what’s working and what needs improvement.
If you have this channel, ensure you use this gift in the right direction. What I mean by saying ”using it in the right direction” is using it for people who are going to appreciate your insights.
Otherwise, you can end up giving unsolicited advice that’s going to be met with resistance. And that way you’re wasting your energy because your gift is neither appreciated nor compensated, so you’re not getting anything from sharing it.
Instead, set boundaries within yourself. Don’t burn yourself to the ground trying to fix or change other people and their ways of doing things.
Your life is going to feel so much lighter and more enjoyable once you stop interfering. Once you stop feeling obligated to help someone when you see the solution, but they’re not inviting you to guide them. Once you start seeing your gifts and your guidance as a privilege.
It’s not your responsibility to help people when they don’t ask for it. Meet people where they’re at and accept that not everyone wants help or a solution.
Know that if someone wants your guidance, they’ll come to you.
Go where your gifts are recognized. Look at your channels and make sure you’re not wasting your gifts and your energy on people or in places where they’re not valued or compensated.
If you want to dive deeper into your unique Design, including your channels, you can book a reading with me.
2) Use your Strategy and Authority to create Success Signature Theme
Our Strategy in Human Design tells us how we can cultivate the most aligned opportunities. It’s how we engage with the world and attract the right people.
As a Projector, your Strategy is to be recognized and invited.
You’re designed to be seen, so make sure you’re not hiding away and isolating yourself.
Make yourself visible. If you want to start your own business, share it and then let people recognize what you’re good at and come to you for your services or products. You don’t have to wait to be invited before starting a business.
Use your Authority to make the most aligned decisions. If you’re getting a no from your Authority, don’t try to force it into a yes.
If your Authority is telling you ”Nope. This doesn’t feel right. I don’t like this.” you don’t have to rationalize why it doesn’t feel right to make it make sense.
If you sometimes don’t know what your Authority is telling you or you don’t know if you’re being recognized, have a list of your unconditional standards and boundaries.
This can sound like:
– I’ll only give my guidance when I’m invited, otherwise it’s a waste of my energy.
– I’ll only enter into relationships where I feel respected and seen for who I am instead of feeling the pressure to meet other person’s expectation of who they want me to be.
Never settle. Ensure the invitation and recognition feel right before entering into a commitment. Don’t accept whatever is in front of you because you’re afraid that’s the best you can get.
3) Use the awareness of your undefined centers to reduce distractions
Our undefined centers in Human Design show us the areas of our lives where we can get easily influenced and distracted.
As a Projector, you have an undefined or open Sacral center. Check in with yourself when you start to feel like you’re pushing yourself to overwork. Notice if you’re competing with others to get as much done as possible.
If you have an undefined Head center, do you feel scattered trying to pursue every idea that comes to mind?
If you have an undefined Ego center, where are you trying to prove yourself?
Or if you have an undefined Root center, where do you feel the pressure to get everything done as soon as possible so you can feel free?
Having this awareness will help you stay focused instead of getting lost in other people’s ideas, emotions, or pressures.
Learn more about undefined centers in Human Design:
Undefined Ajna Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Throat Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Identity Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Spleen Center in Human Design Explained
People-Pleasing and Deconditioning Open Solar Plexus Center in Human Design
4) Questions for reflection to create a life in your Success Signature Theme
Use the following questions to understand where your Bitterness Not-Self Theme and Success Signature Theme come from so that you can make required changes in your life.
In what situations/relationships/areas of your life do you feel bitter?
How can you reduce them or completely remove yourself from those areas?
In what situations/relationships/areas of your life do you feel undervalued or unappreciated?
What does success look like or feel like to you?
Who are the people in your life who recognize your gifts, abilities, and skills?
What environments make you feel good? How can you spend more time in those environments? (maybe even a specific gym you like, pilates classes you go to, your favorite cafes, etc.)
Where are your ideas most invited and appreciated?
Do you have people in your life who feel mentally, emotionally, and energetically healthy to you? (people who honor your boundaries and you feel good around them) – You can even look at your social media and unfollow or mute people who don’t make you feel good.
Look at how you spend your energy each day and notice what needs to change.
What are you doing out of obligation or fear of disappointing someone rather than desire?
Where are you overworking?
Where are you lacking boundaries?
What needs to change?
If you want to dive deeper into your Design, book a reading with me.
Until the next time,
projector success signature theme success signature theme human design
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