In today’s post you’ll learn do Manifesting Generators need to inform and what are the actual facts when it comes to Manifesting Generator’s Strategy in Human Design.
We’ll look at Human Design mechanics as well as what simply makes sense when we’re talking about Manifesting Generators’ aura.
Prefer audio format? This blog post was first published as an episode on my podcast. Listen here: The La Ivana Podcast – EP57: Do Manifesting Generators Need to Inform?
What is informing as a Strategy in Human Design?
Informing as a Strategy in Human Design means letting people know about your decision before you take action. You make a decision, you inform people who are going to be affected by it and then you take action.
Informing also includes letting people know when you have decided to stop doing something. For example, if you had a gym buddy and you decided to switch gyms – it means letting them know when you make a decision to switch gyms.
Informing is a step between making a decision and taking action on it.
When we’re talking about do Manifesting Generators need to inform, there are some Human Design guides that will say that Manifesting Generators do need to inform.
In today’s post, I’ll talk about that from the point of view of mechanics and also just logic.
What makes Manifesting Generator a Manifesting Generator? Let’s talk about the mechanics.
When we talk about the mechanics of a Manifesting Generator, what makes Manifesting Generator a Manifesting Generator is that they have a motor center (either Sacral, Ego, Root or Emotional center) connected to their Throat center, plus their Sacral center is defined.
For instance, I have my Sacral center connected to my Throat center with a 34-20 channel which is a channel of a pure Manifesting Generator.
Another example, I know a Manifesting Generator who has their Ego center (which is also a motor center) connected to the Throat and their Sacral center is defined.
That’s how you know if someone is a Manifesting Generator. First, they have their Sacral center defined and they also have a motor center connected to their Throat center.
When someone has a motor center connected to the Throat that’s what enables them to move quickly, skip steps, and take action straight from their defined Sacral’s response.
So that’s the mechanics of a Manifesting Generator. A motor center connected to the Throat means that they can take action straight from their Sacral response, which right there means that a Manifesting Generator doesn’t have to inform because that would add another step in between.
Their gift is efficiency. And it doesn’t make sense even when you’re looking from the logical point of view to add one more step for a type who is famous for skipping steps and finding the fastest way to go from A to Z.
It doesn’t make sense for a type that is meant to be able to go straight from a response to action to say to them, “Wait, first you will get the response. Then wait a bit, inform the people that you know, and then go into action.” That’s not how Manifesting Generator works best.
A Manifesting Generator goes from a clear Sacral response feeling like “Ooh, I want to do this. This feels exciting.” and then straight into action. No need to inform.
Keep in mind, if you have Emotional Authority, it’s beneficial to wait for clarity before making a decision. When you reach clarity, it’s enough to get into action. Again, no need to inform before taking action.
Learn more about Human Design:
Need Motivation in Human Design: Personal Experience + Fear Transferred Motivation
How to Improve Your Relationships Using Human Design
How to Live Your Human Design Signature Theme (Satisfaction) as a Generator or Manifesting Generator
Why it’s actually only Manifestors who need to inform?
When we look at informing from the perspective of our auras, the only reason why Manifestors are the ones that need to inform is that they have a closed, repelling, hazy, and dense aura which means that people don’t know what’s going on with a Manifestor unless they inform.
That way when Manifestors inform, they remove the resistance from other people and it puts others at ease. Other people can then let Manifestors do their thing without being confused not knowing what’s going on with Manifestors. And that brings Manifestors peace which is their Signature theme in Human Design.
But when Manifestors don’t inform they can experience resistance which leads to their Not-self theme which is anger. Someone else might try to control them or they won’t have a sense of freedom and then the anger shows up.
So Manifestors are the ones that need to inform.
Do Manifesting Generators need to inform? Let’s take a look at what their aura says.
On the other hand, Manifesting Generator’s aura is open and enveloping. There is no resistance if you take action without informing. Manifesting Generators and Generators have the same aura. They are both Generators. They have the same Strategy, which is to respond. They have the same Signature theme (satisfaction), the same Not-self theme (frustration), and they both have their Sacral center defined which is what makes them Generators.
Manifesting Generator is not a bit of a Manifestor and a bit of a Generator. The most important thing to remember when we’re talking about the Manifesting Generator’s Strategy is that a Manifesting Generator is still a Generator. The only difference between Manifesting Generators and Generators is that a Manifesting Generator has a motor center connected to their Throat center which enables them to move quickly into action. No informing needed.
Manifesting Generator’s tendency to pivot and change things up
Another thing about Manifesting Generators is that they have a tendency to pivot. That happens when what they’re doing stops being exciting and enjoyable and it doesn’t satisfy them anymore.
So it’s normal and it’s okay for a Manifesting Generator to start doing something and then a bit later be like “Uhmm, actually I don’t really want this.”
When to inform as a Manifesting Generator?
If you are a Manifesting Generator and you’re wondering, “Well, should I inform people at all? What do I do? When do I tell people about this new decision?”
My advice is to let people know after a few days or a few weeks when you are more clear on whether or not you want to stick to it.
As a Manifesting Generator, you have the ability to move straight into action. You will feel the excitement, move into action and then what can happen is that a few days or even a week later, you can be like “I’m actually not excited about this. I don’t really like this.”
Thinking to yourself “Yes, there was initial excitement but now that I’m in this it’s actually not what I want to put my energy into.”
On the other hand, if you still feel excited and satisfied with a decision after a few days or a few weeks, feel free to let people know.
Learn more about Human Design:
Undefined Root Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Ego Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional Center in Human Design Explained
The main piece of advice
My biggest advice, if you’re a Manifesting Generator, is to experiment with informing if you feel like it makes sense and see how it goes.
Human Design is meant to be an experiment. You will hear about your Strategy, your Authority, your Profile, etc. And you’re meant to experiment with it all.
Follow your unique Design and see how it feels. See what changes in how you feel about yourself and your life in general.
Human Design is not meant to limit you. If you’re a Manifesting Generator and you’re thinking, “Well, I like to inform people right away.” Then absolutely do it. Do what feels good. Do what makes sense for you.
But if something doesn’t resonate, leave it. If you heard somewhere that, as a Manifesting Generator, you need to inform but it didn’t resonate with you and you thought to yourself “Well, I don’t like informing because I change my mind all the time and if I inform, then I feel the pressure to stick to what I said. Just because I informed others, they now expect me to stick to this decision.” If it doesn’t feel right then you don’t have to inform.
Personally, I informed a lot of times and it never felt correct. Informing others would put extra pressure on me to stick to a commitment or to a decision.
Suggestions on informing as a Manifesting Generator
Let’s say that you want to start a new project. Maybe you want to start a blog or a podcast. Instead of telling everyone right away that you made a decision to start that new project, I recommend waiting a week or two after you started that new thing just so that you are more clear on whether or not you want to continue doing that.
As a Manifesting Generator, you have the ability to move fast, pivot, and quickly change directions. So when it comes to informing part, inform when you are more clear about what you’re doing and when you know you’re going to follow through.
Otherwise, when you inform people right at the beginning, you might feel the pressure to follow through just because you think others expect you to.
Want to learn more about your specific Design?
Order a 30+ page written guide to your specific Design. It covers your type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, all 9 centers & more. Order yours here.
Until the next time,
human design manifesting generator informing manifesting generator strategy
Thank you so much for this!! I’m an MG with emotional authority and the idea of informing just doesn’t make sense. I have so many things and thinks going on at any time, and I don’t feel like turning my life into “The Truman Show,” lol…