Are you a Generator in Human Design but you feel more like a Projector? Are you a Generator or a Manifesting Generator with no energy? I’m a Sacral Manifesting Generator and I know this feeling very well.
Just because you’re a Generator/MG with a defined Sacral, it doesn’t mean that you should have energy 100% of the time. When we do things that we have a ‘no’ response for or we’re with people we have a ‘no’ response to, it can drain our energy so of course we won’t have 100% of our battery left.
I hear Generators/MGs saying that they feel more like a Projector. And that’s what happens when you take the sentence ”Defined Sacrals have consistent life-force energy” out of context. Instead, I encourage you to look at your Design as a whole.
My favorite part of Human Design is centers (and I have 6 of them undefined) so we’re going to look at today’s topic from the lens of your undefined centers as well as your defined Sacral center.
I love to look at our undefined centers because that’s where we can get off track and get stuck doing things that drain our energy without even realizing it.
Undefined Head center wasting its mental energy
One of the potential challenges of an undefined/open Head center in Human Design is thinking about things that don’t matter. When you feel drained, it can be connected to spending too much of your mental energy on thinking about things that don’t matter.
You’re using your energy to look for answers to questions that weren’t yours in the first place. But you feel the obligation/pressure to find the answer. You’re hung up on details that aren’t important.
You can get easily inspired and start going after goals that don’t feel authentic because you feel in-the-moment inspiration.
Ask yourself – Does this actually matter to me? Do I need to spend my mental energy on this question/problem?
Do I want to pursue this?
Undefined Ajna center trying to convince others
One of the challenges of an undefined/open Ajna center in Human Design is showing others that you’re certain. Convincing others that you’re 100% sure. That you know enough about the topic you’re talking about.
This need to show others you’re certain enough, smart enough, or intelligent enough can drain your energy.
Ask yourself – Where am I trying to show others that I’m certain? Where am I trying to convince others of my beliefs and opinions?
Undefined Throat center trying to attract attention
One of the potential not-self behaviors of an undefined/open Throat center in Human Design is trying to attract attention. Notice when you’re going out of your way and doing things you normally wouldn’t because you want to get attention or feel seen and heard.
It can drain your energy because you’re spending it on things you’re not genuinely excited to do.
Ask yourself – Am I doing this because I want attention? Or am I actually lit up by this?
Undefined G center wanting to stick to one thing
One of the challenges of an undefined/open G center in Human Design is wanting to stick to one direction, one thing, or one identity instead of allowing yourself to evolve. I completely burnt out after trying to force myself to stick to only life coaching.
Since the very beginning of my business, it has been a constant evolution. My business started as a YouTube channel, then a blog, then a podcast, then I got certified as a life coach and solution-focused coach, then I started offering Human Design services… Once I decided to stick only to life coaching, I experienced major frustration and exhaustion.
Trying to stick to one thing when I wanted to do all the things (Manifesting Generator with a completely open G center) drained all my energy.
So ask yourself – Where am I limiting myself? Where am I feeling like I’m hitting a glass ceiling and it’s time to break it?
Where am I not allowing myself to evolve?
Undefined Ego center wanting to prove itself
One of the challenges of an undefined/open Ego center in Human Design is wanting to prove yourself to yourself or to others. Comparing yourself to someone thinking you’re less than them. Feeling the pressure to fulfill someone else’s wants and desires. Committing or promising things in the moment that later you don’t have the willpower to follow through.
Ask yourself – What am I trying to prove? How is that draining my energy? What am I committing to that I don’t have the willpower to follow through? Where am I prioritizing fulfilling someone else’s wants and desires?
Undefined Solar Plexus center wanting to please others
One of the not-self behaviors of an undefined/open Solar Plexus center in Human Design is doing things to please other people. To avoid any kind of confrontation or upsetting people, you find it easier to just do whatever they want you to.
Ask yourself – Where am I doing things out of obligation? What am I doing just because I don’t want to upset/hurt/disappoint someone? Do I genuinely want to be doing this or am I doing it out of obligation?
Read next:
Wait to Respond Strategy in Human Design Explained
Sacral Authority in Human Design Explained // follow your gut
Do Manifesting Generators Need to Inform? Here Are the Facts
Undefined Spleen center holding onto things/people
One of the challenges of an undefined/open Spleen center in Human Design is holding onto things/people/places/jobs/commitments way past their expiration date.
Notice when you’re holding onto things that aren’t good for you. Notice the expiration date. Recognize when you’re saying yes to people who are no longer a ‘yes.’ Engaging with those people can heavily drain your energy.
Ask yourself – Is this relationship healthy for me? Is this person healthy for me? What do I need to let go of?
Undefined Root center doing things out of pressure
One of the not-self behaviors of an undefined/open Root center in Human Design is doing things out of pressure. Notice when you feel the pressure to get things done. Notice when you’re rushing so that you can be free. Recognize when you take on too much and end up running all over the place.
Ask yourself – What am I doing out of pressure? What am I rushing? Where am I allowing the stress from other people to rush me?
Defined Sacral center not listening to its responses
Now, just because you have a center defined doesn’t mean that it won’t come with its own challenges. Being a Generator or a Manifesting Generator in Human Design, your guide is your bodily response.
When does your body pull back and feel constricted? When does your body move forward and feel expansive? When do you feel so excited you want to move right into action?
What does your ‘yes’ feel like? What does your ‘no’ feel like?
What are you doing even though you feel a ‘no’ response to it? Who are you spending your time with that makes you feel blaah?
If you’re a Generator or a Manifesting Generator with no energy, notice what you’re spending your energy on. If you’re a Generator feeling like a Projector, notice who is draining you.
So many times I spent hours with people who just weren’t a good fit for me. I’d say yes to invitations and felt relieved when I’d return back home. Start noticing how your body acts around certain people/in certain places/doing certain things and let go of what’s making you feel depleted or find something better.
As a Generator/Manifesting Generator in Human Design, your Strategy is to respond. So what’s your response?
Want to learn more about your specific Design? Book a 90-minute Human Design reading (life & career).
Until the next time,
generator feeling like a projector generator without energy human design
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