How many times have you made an impulsive decision only to regret it a week later? How many times have you made a decision that you felt in your whole body that it was the right decision for you? In today’s post, I’m sharing with you how to make decisions with Human Design. In my previous post, I shared all about how Human Design changed my life and helped me live a life with more ease and flow.
Now let’s dive into some of the tips I learned by using Human Design to make aligned decisions.
#1 don’t mentally rationalize your decisions
In Human Design, there is no one authority that is encouraged to make decisions based on mentally rationalizing their options.
When we make decisions based on our mind, they are often based on:
– our previous mistakes (we want to avoid any failures)
– our limiting beliefs (we hold ourselves back thinking that we’re not good enough)
– the unwritten societal rules (what we ‘’should’’ do)
– our fears and fears that other people projected onto us (‘’make sure you don’t…’’)
– what we think is or isn’t possible for us
Human Design teaches us that the right decisions don’t have to be ones we can explain.
You can just feel in your gut or in your heart that something is right for you. You can feel an intuitive pull towards something and that’s enough.
#2 don’t ask other people for opinions on what you should do with your life
Human Design teaches us that we have all the answers within us. Don’t try to find a solution externally.
No matter how much you trust someone, other people are not you. They’re not the ones living your life so it doesn’t make sense to ask them what they would do in your place.
When someone gives you advice, it’s based on their personal opinions, limiting beliefs, fears, things they’re trying to avoid, their past experiences, and what makes sense for them.
Even when you hire a business coach or buy a course on how to develop new habits, the coach and the course creator are going to teach you what worked for them.
But that’s not necessarily what will work for you.
#3 experiment and make decisions with your Human Design authority
If you’re new to Human Design and you don’t know what’s your authority yet, get your free BodyGraph here.
Along with your visual chart, you will see ‘’Authority: Sacral/Emotional/Splenic…’’
Your authority tells you what’s the most aligned way for you to make decisions.
Experimenting with your Human Design authority to make decisions can look like:
– for Sacral authority, asking yourself (or, even better, being asked by others) yes/no questions throughout the day for smaller decisions so that you practice listening to your in-the-moment gut feeling
– for Emotional authority, allowing yourself a day or two before making a commitment instead of making spontaneous decisions (ask for some time when you can before making bigger decisions)
– if you have a Splenic authority, listen to your intuition in the moment (you can apply this even when you’re choosing a restaurant or a coffee shop. If something feels off, listen to your intuition and leave.)
When we make decisions with our Human Design authority, it leads us to more flow, alignment, and to our signature theme.
For Manifestors, a signature theme or a sign that you’re living in alignment and that you’re following your inner authority is peace.
For Projectors it’s success, for Reflectors it’s surprise, and for Generators/Manifesting Generators it’s a feeling of satisfaction.
#4 don’t make a pros and cons list
Similar to rationalizing our decisions, we base our pros and cons list on our mind and our thoughts.
We focus on what’s the safer option, what’s cheaper, what’s easier, what will look better on the outside, what will sound better when we explain it to others, and what’s faster to achieve.
Pros and cons lists are an easy way to talk ourselves out of the opportunities that are best for us. That’s because when we see all of the negative things, it’s tempting to stick to where we are right now.
We’re evaluating the situation in front of us based on what’s familiar to us, based on our past and present. But we have no idea about all the new pros that can come once we go after what we actually want.
Instead of focusing on what you think “should” be the best option, focus on what actually makes you feel good and what you genuinely want.
Read next:
Need Motivation In Human Design: Personal Experience
6 Tips for an Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional Center in Human Design
3 Things to Know If You Have an Undefined Ego Center in Human Design
#5 give yourself time to make a decision if that works for you
Let’s normalize taking time before making a decision.
If you learned that based on your Human Design authority it’s better for you to take some time before jumping into decisions and commitments, then honor that.
Instead of pushing yourself to make quick decisions, allow yourself some time before you get to that clear and neutral place to make the right decision.
When you can, ask for some time before committing to something.
Even just taking a day to see how the decision feels is better than jumping straight into it.
So experiment, see how it feels when you make decisions with Human Design authority, and have fun with it.
Human Design is not here to limit you. It’s meant to help you accept and understand yourself better so you can live a more aligned and enjoyable life.
Want to learn more about your specific Design?
Order a 30+ page written guide to your specific Design. It covers your type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, all 9 centers & more. Order yours here.
Until the next time,
P. S. This blog post was first published on The La Ivana Podcast. Go here to listen to the full episode with my personal experiences regarding making decisions with Human Design.
Couldnt agree more when you said something about implusive decision and then eventually regretting it. I like the tips you lay out here and they will be useful to me.