Authority in Human Design tells us how we’re designed to make decisions. It’s a tool to help us make empowered decisions and it’s how we know if something is right for us. 35% of the population has Sacral Authority, myself included. I’m a Sacral Manifesting Generator.
If you are a Generator or a Manifesting Generator in Human Design, you can either have Emotional or Sacral Authority.
It depends on whether or not you have a defined Solar Plexus center. If you have undefined Solar Plexus and defined Sacral, then you have a Sacral Authority.
How does Sacral Authority make decisions?
Your Sacral Authority is your gut feeling. It’s a quick in-the-moment yes or no.
Your defined Sacral center is consistently and reliably generating energy. It’s always on.
Sacral authority is always responding to something. It’s in the moment pull towards or away.
Your gut response doesn’t come with reasons. It’s either ‘yes, I have the energy for this. I want this’ or ‘no, I don’t have the energy for this’. It’s never ‘yes, because… no, because… yes, but… no, but…’ Sacral response is energetic, it’s not mental.
You can go through life rationalizing your decisions or go where you feel pulled towards. Your body will always guide you towards your signature theme (satisfaction).
Start listening to your body and respect your responses instead of trying to force something that your mind is telling you that ‘could’ be a good idea.
Read next:
Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional Center in Human Design Explained
5 Tips to Make Decisions with Human Design
What not to do when you have Sacral Authority in Human Design
Don’t rationalize or try to make sense of your response. Trust that you feel pulled towards what you feel pulled towards and that’s perfect.
On the opposite side of you following your Sacral gut response is your mind telling you ‘’Maybe I should do that, as well. Maybe this could be a good idea.’’ Forcing things to happen only leads to frustration (your not-self theme).
Don’t think your feelings. Feel your feelings. Get into your body, start noticing your responses, and what feels good.
What’s your Sacral Authority telling you
Your Sacral Authority is telling you ‘yes, I have the energy for this’ or ‘no, I don’t have the energy for this.’
No is not personal. Even if once it was a yes and now it’s a no, maybe it just expired. Relationships can expire. Jobs can expire. Allow the option that what was once a yes, is now just a no.
If you don’t follow the clues that tell you something is not aligned and you’re constantly going against yourself, you’ll experience burnout. You might experience frustration and lose passion for life. It’s how you can get to the point where nothing lights you up anymore. It’s because you’ve been ignoring the clues that were telling you what’s correct/wrong for you.
If it doesn’t light you up or bring you satisfaction, it’s not the right work for you. Or the right relationship or the right commitment.
Learn more:
How to Live Your Human Design Signature Theme as a Generator or a Manifesting Generator
What Is Your Not-Self Theme in Human Design Telling You
This blog post was first published on my YouTube channel. Watch the full video (with my personal experience following my Sacral Authority) here.
Practices for Sacral Authority in Human Design
If you’re just getting into experimenting with your Design and you’re not sure what to do with this information, know that your Authority is how you make decisions, so start with smaller decisions.
When you’re making decisions on what food you want to eat, notice what’s your body pulling you towards.
When you look at your to-do list, notice what task feels like ‘yes! I want to do this one!’
If you’re looking at your calendar and you hate all the tasks in it, consider changing some things to create more satisfaction in your life. Why would you want to keep living a life that doesn’t light you up? A life where there’s no excitement for what you get to do.
When you’re at a coffee shop or a restaurant, notice what’s pulling you to order. What meal or drink do you actually want to get?
Throughout the day, notice the noises you’re making. Sacral makes noises. Notice what gets you to say mmm (I’m intrigued) or uggh (not this again).
Notice when you’re forcing yourself to do the opposite from what you want. Notice when you engage in conversations that bore you.
Say no to things you have a no response to.
Say yes to things you have a yes response to.
Start trusting yourself and be your own authority.
Become aware of your body’s pulls. So you feel pulled towards or pushed away from conversation/opportunity/person/topic/task/food?
Learn more:
Human Design Authority vs. Romanticizing the Outcome
Generator’s Strategy Wait to Respond Explained // the difference between responding and initiating
Questions for reflection
Answer these questions from your body, not from your mind.
What gives you energy? Perhaps there’s a specific type of physical activity, certain hobby, hanging out with certain people…
What people do you feel most energized around? People who light you up, you love talking to them, and being around them.
What drains your energy? Think about certain habits, tasks, chores, certain topics or conversations.
What people do you feel most depleted and frustrated around?
What/who do you feel pulled towards?
Is your partner turning you off? Sexual and life-force energy also come from your Sacral center.
Are you responding negatively to your partner?
Why are you saying yes to what feels like a no?
Why are you saying no to what feels like a yes?
Why are you staying in a relationship/friendships you don’t want to be in?
Why are you doing a job that makes you feel frustrated every? (If it’s because of money… Well, other jobs give money, too.)
What if you allowed yourself to create a life that feels good? Even if it doesn’t make sense to others.
Your signature is satisfaction. The bar doesn’t have to be so high that you’re ‘’hell yeah’’ all the time. The key is satisfaction.
Are you satisfied?
Do you find that thing/this situation to be satisfying?
Bring it back to – do I actually want this?
Do I even like this?
Does this excite me?
Or is it – if I had any other choice, I actually wouldn’t be doing this. Convincing yourself that there’s one way/path to success.
Respect the answer you get from your Sacral instead of trying to explain it/defend it or make sense of it (that takes you back into your mind).
Also, make sure you have people in your life that respect your response, whatever it might be.
1:1 for Sacral Manifesting Generators >> here
Until the next time,
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