I noticed you guys enjoyed my previous posts about undefined Identity and undefined Solar Plexus centers, so I decided to write one about undefined Ego center, as well.
The Ego center in Human Design is also called the Heart or Will center and more than 60% of the entire population has their Ego center undefined or open.
Since the Ego center is all about self-worth and willpower, it’s no wonder so many of us have experienced feelings of low self-worth and inconsistent willpower.
In today’s post, I’m sharing with you 3 things you need to know if you have an open or undefined Ego center in Human Design.
Undefined Ego Center: What you need to know
1. you’re not here to prove anything to yourself or to anyone else
“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.”
― Shannon L. Alder
With an undefined Ego center, you might have a tendency to want to prove yourself. Your sense of self-worth is inconsistent so you might be feeling like you always need to be better or do more to prove that you’re worthy.
This can look like doing things you don’t feel good about just to prove that you’re a good friend, partner, employee, or parent.
You can overlook your Human Design Authority for making aligned decisions, and instead, you let your need to prove yourself guide you in making decisions.
If you have an undefined Ego center, I recommend developing the habit of asking yourself – what am I trying to prove by doing this?
If you also have an undefined or open Sacral center, you might overwork yourself to the point of burnout just to prove that you’re good enough, a good employee, or a good business owner.
Remember, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
You are already worthy. You are already good enough.
>> Hey, if you want to learn more about Human Design, here is my YouTube playlist with 4+ hours of Human Design content for you to dive into.
Read next:
6 Tips for an Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional Center in Human Design
5 Tips for an Undefined Identity Center in Human Design
Undefined Root Center in Human Design Explained
2. be mindful of the commitments and promises you make
Another theme of the Ego center is willpower. When you have an open or undefined Ego center, your willpower can be inconsistent.
This means that you need to be mindful of the promises you make instead of feeling excited in the moment and committing to things you won’t have the willpower to follow through.
Can you remember a time you made a commitment that you gave up on a week later?
That’s exactly what this is about.
This doesn’t mean that you’re not able to achieve your goals. I have a completely open Ego center (no gates activated) and yet I finished writing an entire eBook of 100 pages in 2 weeks.
I was excited about that project and I worked on it every day for 2 weeks straight (I took a break for a day because I needed to catch up with things on my blog).
Make sure that you make commitments following your Authority.
Read next:
5 Tips to Make Aligned Decisions With Human Design
5 Ways Human Design Changed My Life
3. don’t undercharge your products/services
“When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.”
― Oprah Winfrey
I experienced this one many times.
When you have an open or undefined Ego center, your sense of self-worth will go up and down. One day you might be feeling on top of the world and charge $500 for your product and the next day you might feel like you’re not good enough or like you don’t know enough to charge that much or like you don’t have enough experience so you’ll offer the same product for $17.
The eBook that I mentioned had many different price tags on it. $17, $27, $7, $47… Until I finally asked myself what price feels good, I set the price, and haven’t looked back. And people are still buying that eBook. I wrote it in 2018 and it’s still a source of passive income for me.
There’s also a tendency to charge a lower price or work for free because you believe that you’re not good enough to charge more.
Remember that your time, energy, and knowledge are worthy of being well compensated.
If you’re offering an Airbnb experience, renting an apartment, offering some kind of services, collaborating with a brand, or you have your own business no matter what it is – respect yourself.
I almost wrote ‘’know your worth’’ but your sense of self-worth is flexible.
So respect your time, energy, the effort you put into something, and how long it took you to learn or master something – if it’s an offer where you teach or mentor someone.
Affirmations for an undefined Ego center:
I am good enough.
I don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
I am worthy of everything I desire.
I accept and love myself for who I am.
I deserve an abundant life.
Want to learn more about your specific Design?
Order a 30+ page written guide to your specific Design. It covers your type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, all 9 centers & more. Order yours here.
Until the next time,
human design open ego center undefined ego center undefined heart center undefined will center
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