Let’s explore the undefined Identity center in Human Design. The Identity center, also called the G center, is a diamond-shaped center in the middle of your Human Design bodygraph.
If it’s white then you have an undefined or open (no gates activated) Identity center. And if it’s colored in, then you have a defined Identity center.
43% of the entire population has their Identity center undefined.
In the Human Design system, each center is a hub for a certain type of energy. The Identity center is all about love, direction, and purpose in life.
Biologically, this center connects to the liver and blood. And, we know how when you drink too much, you start to lose your sense of self and direction. It makes sense now, doesn’t it?
The difference between a defined and undefined Identity center is that when this center is defined, you have a fixed sense of who you are and what’s your direction in life. Maybe sometimes you’re not 100% sure, but in general, you know what you’re going for and the direction you’re going to take. You’re certain in who you are, and you have a reliable and consistent character and sense of self.
However, when you have an undefined Identity center, you can take in other people’s identities and amplify them.
Therefore, a big challenge for this center, when it’s undefined, is that you can struggle with defining yourself because of the pressure that we always need to know who we are and what we want.
There is nothing wrong with having an undefined Identity center. Defined or undefined, nothing is better or worse. It’s just different, and both come with their own areas for growth.
Having this center undefined means that you can be different around different people. Different people will pull out different sides of you. This is something that people with a defined Identity center can’t really understand because they have a constant sense of self and they are pretty much always the same no matter who they’re with.
Whereas someone with an undefined Identity center is different around different people. So people with a defined Identity center can be like, ‘’What the heck is going on with them? They are never like that with me.’’
Because they have a fixed way of being, they can’t understand how someone can be different and act differently around different people.
But if you have this center undefined, you need to accept that you’re not meant to fit in one box for the rest of your life.
Your identity is fluid. It’s constantly changing and it’s ever-evolving.
You’re always growing. The future is unexpected and there are so many opportunities and so much to discover within you. So it can be fun and enjoyable when you look at it from that perspective.
Another area for growth that comes with having an undefined Identity center is that you have a tendency to question if you’re lovable enough, which can lead to doing things just to prove that you’re lovable. Or even to hold on to someone to give you a sense of stability. So this is just something to be aware of if you notice that happening in your life.
Now let’s get into tips to apply this information to your life and make the most out of your undefined Identity center.
1) be intentional about your environment
If you have an undefined Identity center, you might take on traits of people around you, so you need to be mindful when it comes to choosing your environment and who you’re with.
It’s important for you to choose the right city. For example, if you feel drawn to a certain city, go there and see what it pulls out of you. Explore who you are in that city.
The same goes for choosing the right apartment, office, room, restaurant, coffee shop, or any other space. Be intentional about your environment.
The right space plays a big role because when you’re in the right place that’s when the right opportunities and the right people will come to you.
The main thing to ask yourself is ‘’Does this place make me feel good?’’
If not, give yourself permission to leave and go somewhere else.
Learn more about Human Design:
Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Ego Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Spleen Center in Human Design Explained
2) let go of people who are a bad influence on you
If you have people in your life who always push you to make decisions that you later regret, don’t spend time with those people.
If someone has very different values from you or a different definition of fun or success that doesn’t feel good to you and you find yourself mimicking their behavior when you’re with them then distance yourself from those people.
What you can do instead is choose people that support you and inspire you. You can even apply this online. Follow people who inspire you to develop positive habits or people whose lifestyle you admire.
If you know you have a tendency to act like the people around you, it’s crucial to surround yourself with people who are inspiring, uplifting, and positive.
Think about if you have people in your life who are a bad influence, who cross your boundaries, and who push you to do things you don’t like. Instead, start spending more time with people who empower you and who are a good fit for you.
3) let the question ‘’What feels most authentic to me right now?’’ guide you
When you have an undefined Identity center, there can be a different version of you in different places, around different people, and at different times.
Start asking yourself ‘’What feels most authentic to me right now?’’
This can even be applied when you’re choosing a niche in your business or if you’re choosing your marketing strategy. Allow space for expansion and growth. Let go of the need to stick with only one thing and only one niche.
This is something that I’ve seen in some Facebook groups for bloggers. A lot of people ask, ‘’I’m interested in more than one thing, but I kind of feel this pressure that I need to choose one thing and niche down. What do I do?’’
If you have an undefined Identity center, don’t force yourself to choose one thing and narrow down your niche because you’re constantly changing.
Allow yourself the space for change, growth, expansion, and flow, instead of resisting it.
Allow yourself to be the version of yourself that feels most aligned and choose what feels most authentic in the moment.
4) make decisions based on your Human Design Strategy and Authority
This is the main thing to rely on in Human Design to make sure you’re living in alignment – following your Strategy and Authority.
When you listen to your Authority, you can trust it will guide you to alignment. Also, that’s when you’ll notice your signature theme showing up.
That means following what genuinely feels good to you, rather than what you think you should be doing.
Whenever you’re making decisions or when you have a dilemma, you don’t know what to do, you can rely on your Strategy and Authority.
Guide to Projector’s Success Signature Theme in Human Design
Being a Reflector in Human Design // Interview with Tanya Reyes
5) surrender to your undefined Identity center
Notice when you’re forcing the need to decide on the right direction of your life, the right job, the right partner, or the right move.
Notice when there is force versus surrender.
And, by the way, when you have an undefined Identity center, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a direction in your life.
It doesn’t mean that you don’t have a purpose. It simply means that as you grow and evolve, your sense of direction, purpose, and who you are can change and evolve, as well.
There is no need to force things.
Instead, surrender to what feels good now and don’t force yourself to come up with all the answers.
And when you have an undefined G center, it’s very common to ask yourself questions like ‘’What the heck am I doing with my life? Why am I even doing this? Where am I going in my life? What’s the right direction for me? What’s the right career?’’
I know that it can be hard to surrender because the future is uncertain. And we are often used to forcing things, asking ourselves so many questions, and wanting to know everything.
Experiment with allowing yourself to change directions. Allow yourself to grow and evolve over time.
Until the next time,
human design open g center open identity center undefined g center undefined identity center
Thank you for this! It felt so affirming to read this. Im in my mid-30s and in my 20s I was so freaked out about not having a clear path. I wanted everything to be laid out for me and felt immense pressure about what I wanted “to do” with my life. As I am entering my mid-30s, I’m beginning to understand that doing what I love is enough and will lead me to the satisfaction I seek. I appreciate the way you described the undefined g-center with care and infinite possibility .
That was VERY much needed right now. I’m 47 and I did different things in my life (jobwise) & it’s yet again the time for me to take another turn as the river is flowing. And I’ve always had people in my life (teachers, partners, family) telling me need to decide who I am and what I specialize in. Combined with an undefined head (needing to know all the answers to other ppl’s questions) this has been driving me crazy! So, thanks a lot for that affirmation!
Thank you for sharing this. This is very helpful information an insightful tips to navigate the undefined G Center
Thank you for this lovely read! Very insightful! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, I feel like I have a lot of new things to ask myself and think about…