Today I’m talking all about the undefined Root center in Human Design. I’m sharing with you some general information about the Root center, things to be mindful of if you have an undefined Root center, as well as some suggestions and questions for reflection to make sure you’re in a healthy expression of this center.
Before we start, let me introduce myself in Human Design terms so that you know whose content you’re reading.
Hi! I’m Ivana and I’m a Human Design guide and reader. I’m a 2 / 4 Quad Right Sacral Manifesting Generator. And I also have an undefined Root center so the information shared also comes from my lived experience.
Alright, now let’s dive in!
What is Root Center in Human Design?
Root Center in Human Design is a square at the bottom of your Human Design bodygraph. If it’s white, it’s undefined and if it’s colored in then it’s defined.
Undefined (white) centers in Human Design are our biggest areas for potential growth and wisdom. At the same time, those are areas where we can get off track and influenced by others.
Each of the 9 centers in the Human Design chart is a hub of a certain type of energy and the Root Center specifically is a motor and a pressure center for stress and adrenaline.
40% of the entire population has this center undefined.
Now I’m going to share some suggestions and questions to help you gain awareness of the challenges of the undefined Root center so that you can move towards its healthy expression and the wisdom that undefined Root center has to offer you.
#1 Is this pressure mine?
Undefined Root center takes in the pressure of other people and amplifies it. The only thing you need to do is to be aware if the pressure is yours or theirs.
Instead of taking in what’s not yours, practice observing your reactions when you’re around other people.
I have an undefined Root center and I noticed myself many times immediately standing up or trying to be productive when I was in close proximity to someone with a defined Root center. Other people’s defined Root center activates mine which is undefined.
Now having the knowledge and the language of my Design (as well as knowing the Design of the people I spend the most time with), I can notice if this pattern comes up and stop myself from absorbing what’s not even mine.
A beneficial practice to develop is to check in with yourself and think about how you felt before the other person came into your space.
For example, if you’re having a coffee in your office feeling good and relaxed about the day, and then suddenly your colleague shows up and you feel the pressure to work harder, do something, or achieve more – it’s a sign that the pressure is not yours.
Then you can focus on getting back into your natural state and let go of other people’s stress.
Question for awareness in moments like those can simply be – was I feeling stressed before this person came to me?
Learn more about Human Design:
6 Tips for an Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional Center in Human Design
Undefined Identity Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Ego Center in Human Design Explained
#2 Is this actually important to me? Do I actually need or want to do this?
This is not to say that you should never feel stress or pressure. Of course, you’ll want to do certain things that matter to you but the difference is whether or not the thing you’re doing is actually important to you.
Instead of rushing through your to-do list wanting to get things done as soon as possible so that you can be free, check in with yourself and ask yourself – is this actually important to me?
If not, allow yourself to slow down, let go of the pressure, and don’t try to force things when the energy is not there.
#3 Am I making this decision because I feel pressured?
Human Design is an amazing tool to help us make aligned decisions. More specifically, the Authority piece of Human Design tells you what’s the best way for you to make decisions.
If you have an undefined Root center, sometimes you might feel pressured to make a decision. Other people’s stress can impact you in a way that you feel like you need to rush into a decision.
You might even find yourself forcing things to happen and be done as soon as possible so that you can feel free.
However, that’s not the right place for anyone to make decisions.
Of course, nowadays we’re expected to make quick decisions at work and in our personal lives, but whenever you have space to check in with yourself before deciding on something ask yourself some of these questions:
– How do I actually feel about this?
– Am I rushing things?
– Do I feel rushed by others?
The challenge of an undefined Root center is the pressure to do more, be productive, and get into action. And, as I mentioned before, pushing yourself when you don’t have the energy anymore.
To be in the healthy expression of the undefined Root center, slow down when you need to and learn to observe rather than absorb other people’s stress and pressure.
Want to learn more about your specific Design?
Order a 30+ page written guide to your specific Design. It covers your type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, all 9 centers & more. Order yours here.
Until the next time,
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