If you have an Undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center, the triangle on the bottom right of your Human Design bodygraph is white. That’s the center with gates 36, 6, 30 in it.
If that triangle is colored in, that means you have a defined Solar Plexus Emotional center.
47% of the entire population has this center undefined.
The Solar Plexus Emotional center is all about our feelings and emotions. When you have an undefined or open energy center, it means that you don’t have a reliable and stable way of experiencing and dealing with that energy.
So what happens when you have an open or undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center? You don’t have a fixed and consistent way of dealing with and experiencing your emotions. Instead, your emotions often depend on who you’re surrounded with.
You take in other people’s emotions and you amplify them. When you’re alone, you have the opportunity to feel emotionally calm because you are in your own aura.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t have your own emotions – it just means that you are highly empathetic and can feel other people’s emotions as your own.
Is it better to have a defined or an undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center?
In Human Design, nothing is better or worse. It’s just different.
If you have a defined Solar Plexus center, it’s not better than the undefined. And vice versa.
It’s just different. Each of them has its own challenges, lessons to learn, and its own potential for wisdom. Nothing is wrong with you if you have an undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center.
With an open Solar Plexus center, you are here to learn to observe other people’s emotions without attaching to them.
You will know that your undefined Solar Plexus center is in its healthy expression when you are able to not identify yourself with and experience other people’s emotions as your own.
It’s beneficial to get into the habit of asking yourself if the emotion you’re experiencing is yours or someone else’s.
Is this emotion mine or am I just amplifying someone else’s emotion?
Learn to observe the emotions of others without identifying yourself with them. Without attaching yourself to those emotions.
Are you avoiding confrontation at all costs?
Another challenge of having an undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center is a tendency to avoid confrontation at all costs.
Why? Because what happens when you are confronting someone is that they might get mad.
And what will happen when they get mad? You will get twice as mad. So you already know you’ll experience the emotions of others and you think that you won’t be able to handle them.
So, therefore, you avoid confrontation.
The lesson here is to not avoid difficult conversations and not be afraid of emotions.
Now let’s dive into tips for dealing with emotions that are not yours as a highly empathetic person.
Prefer audio content? This blog post was first published as an episode on my podcast, The La Ivana Podcast. Listen to episode 51 all about the undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center here.
#1 don’t make decisions based on your emotional state
If you don’t have Emotional Authority, don’t make decisions based on your emotions. Follow your Authority to make the most aligned decisions.
For instance:
– if you have Sacral Authority – follow your gut and what feels good to you in the moment
– if you have Splenic Authority – follow your intuition for making decisions
– if you have Lunar Authority – wait a lunar cycle (28 days) before making big decisions
Let’s say your friends ask you to join them on a trip and they are very excited about it. You could immediately say yes because you amplify their excitement.
Then when you come home and you’re on your own and you feel emotionally calm, you might start to wonder why did you accept that invitation that doesn’t even feel like something you want to do.
So take a step back, ask yourself, Is this emotion mine or someone else’s? Is this excitement to join my friends on a trip mine or am I just amplifying my friends’ excitement?
This is one of the most important tips when you’re making decisions. If your authority is not Emotional then don’t rely on your emotions for decision-making.
5 Tips to Make Decisions With Human Design
5 Ways Human Design Changed My Life
#2 don’t try to fix other people’s emotions
“The Empath is often said to have such a great degree of empathy that they can literally feel what others feel, and thus intuitively know many of the yearnings, sensitivities, tastes and even thought patterns of the people they’re around.”
― Aletheia Luna
This is a major lesson for people with undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center; you are not here to fix other people’s emotions.
A lesson for people who have their Solar Plexus Emotional center defined is to process their emotions. They are equipped with tools and with the energy from their Solar Plexus energy center to process their emotions. Their way of experiencing life is through the entire spectrum of emotions.
But if you have an undefined Solar Plexus, instead of trying to fix other people’s emotions because you’re highly empathetic, try to detach from other people’s emotions.
You feel other people’s emotions and when you see a person you care about feeling sad, disappointed or frustrated, you want to fix that. But that’s not your job.
When you see your partner or your kid or your parent, feeling sad, detach from that emotion because that is their emotion, not yours.
You can understand what they’re feeling, you can be there for them, you can support them, listen to them, but it’s not your responsibility to fix them.
More about Human Design:
What’s the Best Human Design Type and Why?
5 Things to Know About the Undefined Identity Center in Human Design
3 Things to Know About the Undefined Ego Center in Human Design
#3 leave the situation that doesn’t feel emotionally healthy for you
“Practice loving detachment.”
― Judith Orloff
We’ve all been there.
If it’s a group of people that you just don’t match with, if you’re eating lunch with a colleague that always complains, if you’re in a relationship with a person that doesn’t feel emotionally healthy for you, or if you’re at a party, and you don’t like the energy of the people you’re with…
There are many examples of situations where we can be surrounded by people that don’t feel emotionally healthy for us.
What I mean when I say ‘’emotionally healthy’’ is if you have people that always drain your energy. You have a 15-minute conversation with them and you feel like you need to take a day off because the conversation completely drained you.
If you have an undefined Solar Plexus Emotional center, you need to be aware and intentional about who you’re surrounding yourself with.
When you’re alone, you can be calm.
When you’re with people that you like and that are positive and inspiring, you feel positive and inspired.
But what happens when you are with people that constantly complain, talk about their problems, and about what’s going wrong in the world? What happens when they feel frustrated, bitter, or angry?
You amplify that. You feel those emotions as your own and that affects you. So it’s important to surround yourself with people that feel emotionally healthy for you.
If you have people in your life that are draining your energy and you don’t like being around them, try to distance yourself from those people. Reduce the time you spend with them and reduce the conversations you have with them. If there is an opportunity to not be around them, take it. Because your emotional health is important.
There is no hate or resentment involved in that. Just put your own peace and happiness first, and do what you can to surround yourself with people that feel good.
3 Ways to Clear Negative Energy from Your Life
Being a Reflector: Open Energy Centers, Lunar Cycles, Human Design in Life & Business w/ Tanya Reyes
#4 set firm boundaries
Ask yourself, What are you available and not available for?
Oftentimes, there are going to be people that overstep your boundaries, ask for every possible favor, and squeeze everything out of you.
But you are the one that needs to set boundaries and decide what you’re not available for.
The important lesson for you is to learn to say no. Even when it feels uncomfortable.
Write a list of all the things that drain your energy, all the people, conversations, and topics that drain your energy – and start saying no to those. Set firm boundaries around those things.
You decide how you’re going to live your life. You decide who you’re going to be surrounded with. I know that at work, sometimes you can’t choose who you’re going to work with. But there are always going to be ways to reduce time spent with people that you don’t like.
Set boundaries, respect yourself, and your need to be in spaces and with people that feel good.
8 Tips to Say No Without Feeling Guilty and Selfish
>> Hey, if you want to learn more about Human Design, here is my YouTube playlist with 4+ hours of Human Design content for you to dive in.
#5 don’t watch the news as much
One thing is to know what’s going on in the world but another thing is to get sucked into it and take the burden of the entire world on yourself.
When you’re watching the news, you’re not going to find anything positive or inspiring there.
If you’re one of those people who refresh news sites multiple times per day, ask yourself how that makes you feel.
In the last few weeks, how did you feel every time after watching or reading the news?
If you felt frustrated, angry, powerless, scared, or sad, decide from there, how often you want to activate those feelings by engaging in that content.
#6 when you’re arguing with someone, take a moment away from them to calm down
When you notice the argument is getting intense, take a step back. Press pause.
Just for a few moments, get in your own energy away from that person’s emotions. That way, when you come back, it will be easier to have a calm discussion.
Our ego always wants to be right. When you’re arguing with someone, you want to prove something. Your ego wants to win the argument and change another person’s opinion. And to do that, you need to continue the discussion.
But it’s much healthier to press pause and have a normal conversation without the intense emotions. Then, when you come back, it’s going to be a healthier conversation instead of two people just trying to prove their point.
For the situation not to escalate, just take a few moments and continue the conversation when you feel calmer.
Want to learn more about your specific Design?
Order a 30+ page written guide to your specific Design. It covers your type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, all 9 centers & more. Order yours here.
Until the next time,
advice for empaths human design open solar plexus emotional center
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