Throat center in Human Design is a center for communication and manifestation (through communication and action, not the Law of Attraction kind of manifestation). If it’s white in your chart, then you have an open (no gates activated) or undefined Throat center.
28% of the entire population has this center undefined.
In Human Design, nothing is better or worse. Having a center defined is not better than having it undefined, or vice versa. It’s just a different expression and experience.
Challenges and the potential not-self of an undefined Throat center
With an undefined Throat center, in your not-self, you may be trying to attract attention or. be noticed. This looks like you going out of your way to get attention and doing things you normally wouldn’t because you want someone to notice you.
This is the narrative of ”IF I do this, THEN they’ll notice me.”
There’s a potential pressure to speak and contribute to conversation. This can look like interrupting, impatiently waiting for your turn to talk, and dominating conversations by talking all the time.
You can feel the pressure that your words are worth listening to.
You never know what will come out so you might be afraid you won’t know what to say and might rehearse conversations ahead of time.
Read next:
Undefined Ajna Center in Human Design Explained
Undefined Root Center in Human Design Explained
Gifts and the healthy expression of an undefined Throat center
In your healthy expression of your undefined Throat center, you trust that you will be invited to speak and when you’re invited you’ll have something of value to say.
You feel best when you’re speaking from response (Generators), when you’re recognized and invited to share (Projectors), or initiated into speaking (Reflectors).
In your healthy expression, you know that you don’t need to do anything to attract attraction.
You become comfortable with silence.
You’re here to communicate and express yourself in many different ways.
When you don’t put pressure on yourself you end up saying exactly what people need to hear.
Until the next time,
P. S. Want to learn more about your specific Design? Book a 90-minute Human Design reading (life & career).
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