Before we get into how Human Design changed my life, I’ll briefly share with you how I see Human Design. I would define Human Design as an in-depth self-awareness tool that answers the questions that we’ve all asked ourselves 100 times, ‘’Why am I the way I am?’’ and ‘’Why can’t I be more like her?’’
The Human Design system was developed in 1987 by Alan Robert Krakower who wrote under the pseudonym Ra Uru Hu.
I’m not going to bore you with details on how it works since there are already pages and pages of information on that online. Instead, I’m going to share with you some of the ways Human Design changed my life.
I’m familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, enneagram, love languages, the 4 tendencies, astrology, numerology, etc. But Human Design is the only tool of this type that helped me fully understand myself.
So let’s dive into how exactly Human Design changed my life.
1. Learning my Human Design type felt like a permission slip to focus on what lights me up
The world just loves telling us what we should do, wouldn’t you agree?
At a young age, our parents/caregivers make decisions for us. We were rarely encouraged to check in with our feelings or our intuition because we were told that our parents know what’s best for us.
And now, we’re so focused on what we “should” be doing that we don’t even ask ourselves what we want to do. We still live by society’s unwritten rules and expectations. And it has become so hard to detach ourselves from that and start creating the life we want.
Learning that I’m a Manifesting Generator with a Sacral authority and that it’s best for me to follow my gut (whatever that might look like) helped me to trust my path.
Knowing this helped me to feel more confident about my decisions even if they don’t make any sense to others.
Out of all 5 Human Design types, Manifesting Generators have the most energy. We’re here to do whatever excites us.
And if that doesn’t look like working the same 9-to-5 job for decades, then it’s okay to make a change.
Now whenever I make a change in my business, I feel more confident about it because I know that if I follow what makes me excited – I’m on the right track.
Another thing that I explored, which is a deeper layer of Human Design is my cognition i. e. my ‘’super sense’’ which, in my case, is called feeling cognition.
It taught me that the best guide for me is what I’m feeling like (in the moment or at a certain place).
Asking myself ‘’What am I feeling right now?’’ has helped me get more in tune with my needs and gain clarity on the next step. It has also helped me gauge the vibe of certain places and even people, and move away from the situations when my intuition is telling me to go.
2. Human Design changed my life in the way I approach daily habits and routines
Another deeper layer of Human Design are variables (arrows around your Head center in your chart).
One of the things I learned through exploring variables is that I thrive on variety.
Too many times I tried to force myself to develop a strict morning routine or a strict workout plan.
It never worked.
When you dive deeper into your Human Design chart and learn about variables, you’ll learn if routines are the best thing for you.
It will help you to stop feeling guilty once you understand that you might have been doing things that don’t actually work for you.
All those self-development books that tell you to get up at 5 am if you want to be successful will stop making sense.
Don’t get me wrong, getting up at 5 am is the best thing and a massive life-changer for some people. But we’re not all the same.
How can it be that one thing should work for 7 billion people?
Human Design helps you learn what works for you. It’s a science of differentiation. That way, you can ditch the unnecessary shoulds and create a life that feels good – to you.
3. Human Design helped me understand my interactions with others
As a Manifesting Generator, my Human Design strategy is to respond. Not to initiate, but to respond.
I can’t even tell you the number of times someone told me ‘’Say something.’’ This used to happen almost every weekend when I was out with my friends in high school.
That’s not a way to approach an introverted Manifesting Generator. If you want to approach someone, don’t just tell them to start talking.
Give them something to respond to. Ask them a question. Yes or no questions are great to start.
Of course, you won’t know if they’re a Manifesting Generator if they don’t tell you, but that’s the point.
We don’t know how other people work/socialize best. Just because it’s normal for you to initiate or respond, doesn’t mean that everyone is like that.
Being aware of all the different Human Design strategies helped me understand other people better.
This is something that would be so beneficial to know when it comes to relationships in your life and in the workplace.
It’s often encouraged to initiate conversations, share new ideas, sell a certain way…
But initiating is not everyone’s zone of genius. A lot of people don’t do well with initiating and it’s important to acknowledge that.
And even if initiating is your strategy, you can still learn so much with Human Design on how to use it best.
How to Improve Your Relationships Using Human Design
Practical Ways to Use Human Design to Improve Your Life
4. Learning more about my Human Design type and energy centers helped me understand that I don’t need to prove myself to anyone
If you’re like me and you also have an undefined Ego center in Human Design, you might feel the need to prove yourself to others.
What I’m here to learn is that I am worthy as I am.
When I first learned that I have an undefined Ego center and when I explored the meaning behind it, I felt a bit triggered.
I was like, ‘’What? I don’t feel the need to prove myself to anyone.’’
However, when I started reflecting on it a bit more, it became clear to me that I did or said quite a few things in the past to prove myself to others.
We’re conditioned to think that we constantly need to improve ourselves, do better, earn more, look thinner, or be better.
For us with an undefined Ego center, it’s important to detach ourselves from that conditioning. Moreover, to acknowledge that our worth is inherent.
You are worthy just as you are.
You are enough.
Read next:
3 Things to Know If You Have an Undefined Ego Center in Human Design
Undefined Identity Center in Human Design: 5 Tips for the Lack of Direction in Life
Undefined Root Center in Human Design Explained
The biggest way Human Design changed my life…
5. Human Design helped me feel normal and accept myself
The best way I can describe how I feel while learning about my Human Design is like having a permission slip to be who I am.
Oftentimes, we look at others who are different from us and we ask ourselves, ‘’Why can’t I be like that??’’
You see people who can easily strike up a conversation with anyone and you want to be more like them.
You see people who have the energy to do 20 different things they’re passionate about and you feel like something is wrong with you because it takes you 28 days to even decide on something. (Hello, Reflectors!)
You see people who stick with one thing their whole life and you feel like something is wrong with you because you keep changing your mind and you have a different goal every two weeks. (Hello, undefined G center!)
Nothing is wrong with you.
The world likes to put 7 billion people in one box filled with shoulds.
You should live like this… By the time you’re 30, you should achieve this… You should make decisions like this…
Learning more about my Human Design has helped me stop wishing that I was more like someone else and start owning who I am.
Want to learn more about your specific Design?
Book a Human Design reading or order a 40+ page Human Design blueprint to learn more about your unique Design.
Until the next time,
Ohh wow I’m also a manifesting generator with completely open ego. How crazy! But I’m an initiator and I can post this comment lol
I’m just now getting into HD and it’s amazing how you can break yourself down into parts and analyze every detail.
Thank you for sharing your experience with HD!
I have never heard of human deisgn, but I’m really intrigued now. It makes sense that we each fall into these categories and act and react the way we do to every day interactions. Hmmmm I wonder what human design type I fall under.
this is so cool! Ive never heard of human design and am very into ennegrams and personality tests so i took a human design test after reading your article! cool post! thanks!
I only know the basics of my human design but it’s absolutely fascinating. Thanks for sharing your experience, I will definitely have to learn more.
Thanks for this wonderful read. I am looking forward to learning about human design.