Many successful people attribute success to their habits. Developing positive habits that align with your goals is key in keeping yourself disciplined to follow through with your plans. In today’s post, I’m sharing with you 60 habits of successful people. Of course, no one practices them every single day, but it might be a good start if you want to find some habits to improve your life.
“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”
― Charles Duhigg
1. set an intention for the day
2. choose an affirmation for the day (FREE DOWNLOAD: 111 affirmations to up-level your life)
3. journal about your feelings or your goals
4. meditate
5. spend a few minutes taking deep breaths
6. list 5 things you’re grateful for
7. create a daily to-do list
8. break your tasks into smaller ones to avoid overwhelm
9. clean your workspace
10. use your evening routine to prepare for the day ahead
11. read (related: top 5 books for self-development)
12. do a workout/yoga/take a long walk
13. visualize your dream life
14. show up for your goals
15. take breaks
16. check your emails only twice a day
17. start and finish work at a set time every day
18. connect with people you like
19. practice active listening
20. drink more water
21. do something you enjoy
22. listen to a motivational podcast (check out my podcast all about creating your dream life)
23. diffuse essential oils for calming/focus/energy
24. put your phone away for a few hours
25. get rid of one item every day (donate/sell/throw away – if you feel like you have too much stuff)
“If you believe you can change – if you make it a habit – the change becomes real.”
― Charles Duhigg
26. set weekly goals
27. meal prep for the week
28. go grocery shopping or order your groceries online for the whole week
29. empty your email inbox
30. spend time in nature
31. check-in with your money situation
32. plan out the next week according to your priorities
33. do all the small tasks that you need to get done that would take you less than 10 minutes to accomplish
34. choose one day to detox from social media and technology
35. do something outside of your comfort zone (going to a concert alone, reaching out to someone you like, starting a YouTube channel…)
36. introduce yourself to someone new
37. track and review your progress (FREE DOWNLOAD: a workbook to get back on track + planner and trackers included)
38. celebrate your wins of the week
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”
― James Clear
39. update your vision board
40. set up your monthly budget
41. declutter your phone (photos, unused apps…)
42. declutter all the paper you’ve collected throughout the month (bills, mail, receipts…)
43. set monthly goals
44. celebrate the good things that happened throughout the month
45. schedule all the appointments for the month
46. set a 30-day challenge for yourself
47. break a bad habit
48. go on a trip (doesn’t have to be far away)
P. S. If you’ve been on your own self-improvement journey and you want to dive deeper, check out my journaling bundle.
The bundle includes guided journaling workshops for building confidence, creating the next-level version of yourself, and setting goals. It’s so powerful to help you dig deeper within yourself and start making a change in your life so that you can reach your goals. Sound good? Then get your bundle on the link here and snag some pretty cool bonuses!
“When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running.”
― James Clear
49. declutter your closet
50. sign up for an online course
51. start a new hobby
52. set the top 3 priorities for the year
53. set financial goals
54. set personal goals
55. set career goals
56. create a list of things you’d like to experience
57. make a list of things that made you happy in the past year
58. do more of the things that make you happy
59. review the last year
60. set a strategy to achieve your goals for the next year
Let me know in the comments what is one of your favorite habits, I’m curious to know!
And check out my podcast for more motivational content and interviews with some amazing women. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcast, or listen to it on this website.
Until the next time,
Vanessa Ramos says
I love how you divide this by daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly habits. Because sometimes we cannot see clearly how we can contribute with our daily habits to our yearly goals. #44 is so important to avoid burnout and to keep our motivation. Lovely post! Thank you for sharing!
Kimberlie says
I have started to set separate goals, financial, personal, etc and it hasmade a drastic change in my life.
Kelly says
For busy days/weeks, creating to-do lists is essential to me! It helps to see everything written out, and I feel productive crossing things off as I go.
Millicent says
What a great post! #7 “create a daily to do list” and #53 “set financial goals” are musts for me.
Angie says
Great post! This is so helpful!