Looking for things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day? Want to know how to get through February 14th without feeling like a loser for being single? I’ve got you covered.
What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day? Just like New Year’s Eve, Christmas, or our birthdays – it’s a day that sounds good in theory but there is so much pressure around it.
If you’re in a relationship on Valentine’s Day, oftentimes, you put unnecessary pressure on yourself to buy the right gift and plan a perfect unforgettable day. Also, you put unnecessary expectations on your partner to make some big gesture on Valentine’s Day that will make all the people who religiously watch your Instagram stories jealous.
(Tip number 1, stop expecting other people to make you happy and take that responsibility into your hands.)
All that stress and potential disappointment just because it’s February 14th. A day that doesn’t mean anything to you personally, but the whole world celebrates it so you feel obligated to keep up with a meaningless tradition and make it Instagram-worthy.
It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with on February 2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, 17th, or 24th. But on the 14th? You have to make it memorable. You just have to. Because February 14th is so much different from February 10th.
(I hope you get my sarcasm by now.)
And if you’re single on Valentine’s Day… You start to hate it. You might feel like a failure because you’re single. On the one hand, you love the freedom that comes with being single. But on the other hand… You might miss feeling spoiled by someone else on Valentine’s Day.
Before I get into all the fun things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day, I just want to remind you that you’re not behind.
If you’re 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 (enter the rest of the numbers here) and single – it’s okay. It might be difficult seeing your friends getting married, getting pregnant and pushing out kids year after year (I guess that’s what happens when you can’t decide on how to name your child. You make a few more so that all the good names get used). Also, moving in together, getting the 2nd pet, and you start to compare your journey with theirs.
Related post:
20 Pieces of Life Advice for Women in Their 20s
You’re watching Euphoria which is supposed to be a teen show, falling asleep with your pet’s leg in your face, and wondering what went wrong with you. The self-talk starts to sound something like ‘’How come I’m the one who’s single? What, am I not good enough? Am I not smart enough? What’s wrong with me? Maybe I’m too much. Maybe I’m too picky.’’
There are more than 7 billion people in the world and it’s unrealistic to expect that we should all want the same things. It’s unrealistic to expect that we should all live our lives in the same way following the same timeline.
There’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t want to be in a relationship or if you don’t want to settle for less than what you desire.
Also, it’s okay if you desperately want a relationship. Whatever the case may be, you get to decide what’s okay for you. If you stayed in toxic relationships for too long out of fear of being single and alone… Look, it happens.
If you broke up with someone and you want them back… It happens.
The thing about Valentine’s Day is that it amplifies all the feelings. Both empowering and disempowering ones. Whatever you feel, it’s multiplied by 50. It’s that time of the year to feel like a complete loser if you’re single, right?
Well, to hell with that.
Here are 20+ ideas for things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day that are going to help you prioritize and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Before I dive in, I just want to remind you to look at this list in a ‘take it or leave it’ way. If something doesn’t resonate, leave it.
If something does pique your interest – well… Go all in.
Let’s start with the things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day you can do for free.
Things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day – that are free
1 – masturbate
And do it the number of times that would make Matthew McConaughey in The Wolf of Wall Street proud.
As a blogger, you have to do a bit of keyword research before publishing your blog post. So, I researched the interwebs for things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day. The mind-blowing fact I found? Not one of the highest-ranking sites had masturbation on the list.
And I, your classic stereotypical Scorpio, felt personally offended.
Okay, overreactions aside, but what’s that about?
People suggest you eat chocolate, order takeout, and buy yourself flowers on Valentine’s Day but no one talks about the ultimate mood-booster. If that’s the name of some sex toy, I swear, there wasn’t a pun intended.
So in an attempt to change the world one conversation at a time, of course, by speaking more freely about sex, I recommend masturbating on Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, I wish you all high amounts of pleasure in your life.
The world would be a better place if we would all experience more orgasms. (Feel free to tell that insecure guy who says ‘you don’t need sex toys’ that I said that.)
We often talk about self-discovery and getting to know ourselves (more on that in the 21st tip of this post), but what about physical self-discovery?
What about getting to know your body and being more comfortable in your skin?
The mind and the body are connected so I recommend working on both.
What journaling is for the mind, masturbation is for the body.
2 – go on a virtual trip
Yes, I’m using this opportunity to tell you all about HeyGo virtual trips. No, this is not sponsored, and yes, they are free.
I am literally dreaming about visiting Australia, so, in the meantime, I’m using every opportunity to go to Melbourne – virtually.
Just look at the HeyGo calendar, see what city or topic piques your interest and book a trip.
They are all live trips. A local tour guide brings their camera and walks you through the city for an hour while telling you all about that place (just like an in-person tour). There is also a chat to ask questions about the location and you can leave a tip if you want.
My absolute favorite tour guide is Alexander from Melbourne. His enthusiasm and positive energy are infectious. Also, I’m a sucker for Aussie accent so that’s just an added bonus.
On HeyGo, you can also find meditations, yoga flows, language classes, and even cooking classes all hosted by locals. Whatever you choose, you’ll have a good time. With a chat option, you feel like traveling with other people because you’re all on the same tour doing the same thing together.
I love it.
3 – journal about your dream life
“A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.”
― Mandy Hale
If you’re comparing yourself to people who are in a relationship on Valentine’s Day and you feel like you’re not where you want to be in life, this one is for you.
Make yourself a cup of coffee, grab your favorite journal (or buy a new notebook just for journaling), and give yourself a fresh start.
If you have a day off on Valentine’s Day, journaling for half an hour in the morning or during the day will make your day so much better.
Get inspired with these journal prompts:
20+ Journal Prompts for New Goals and a Fresh Start
50 Self-Discovery Journal Prompts to Improve Your Life
4 – move around the furniture in your room
This is such a great way to move the stale energy around and shift your perspective.
I’m a minimalist to my core so I don’t have any decorations in my room (nor do I plan to buy new ones every time I get bored) so moving things around has been a game-changer.
Think about moving your desk to a different corner of the room, moving your bed to face a different way, moving your plants or decorations if you have them, etc.
You will end up feeling reinspired with a fresh perspective.
If you don’t want to end up exhausted, think about a few small things to move around. Moving your furniture to different locations sounds like a simple task. However, if you decide to move your bed, desk, or something heavier, it might take more than an hour so keep that in mind.
Related posts:
3 Ways to Clear Negative Energy from Your Life
9 Ways Minimalism Changed My Life for the Better
5 – do nothing
Aah, the guilt that we feel when we’re not productive…
If you have some time to chill out and do absolutely nothing, do so.
Look, I know that I’m giving you a list of 20+ things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day, but I have to admit that sometimes doing nothing is all you need.
When you’re feeling the pressure to do something, you might want to take a step back and do absolutely nothing.
Ask yourself where is this need to do something and fill your day with tasks coming from.
What are you rushing towards? This also might be your undefined Sacral or Root center (energy centers in Human Design) convincing you that you need to do more.
Whatever you choose to do, no matter if it’s February 14th or November 2nd, make sure you enjoy it.
Or just take some time to lay in your bed and do nothing.
You might end up feeling more recharged than with any other activity.
6 – binge on an empowering podcast
I’ll take an empowering podcast any day. Especially if you want to feel better about being single on Valentine’s Day, listen to something that will help you bring the focus back on your amazing self.
If you didn’t know, I have a podcast called The La Ivana Podcast where I talk all about achieving your goals, developing an empowering mindset, and building confidence. It’s available on all podcasting platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc.), just search ‘The La Ivana Podcast’ and binge on all the motivational content.
Here are some episodes on my podcast to make you feel empowered and unstoppable:
9 Ways to Hold Yourself to a High Standard
How to Know if You Have Outgrown Who You Used to Be
Also, I have to mention one of my favorite podcasts perfect for Valentine’s Day – Come Curious.
If you want to feel more empowered about sex, feel more confident in the bedroom, learn something new, get some new ideas to try out, and feel normal while hearing about other people’s experiences – I can not recommend them enough.
Most people won’t share anything else other than their highlights (if that). So it’s refreshing to hear all kinds of things and sexual experiences you can actually relate to.
7 – make a confidence boost playlist and have a dance party
Need some ideas for artists to add to your confidence playlist? Måneskin, babe.
Other than them, which are a treat for your eyes, as well as your ears, I would recommend Def Leppard and Mötley Crüe.
Just play whatever songs make you feel like the coolest person and get that dopamine and serotonin boost.
8 – stay off social media if you know it will trigger you to feel bad about yourself
What better way to spend the day prioritizing yourself than to put the rest of the world on mute?
If you know your friends who are in relationships will fill their stories with Valentine’s Day content, you might want to uninstall Instagram for a day.
By doing this, you will intentionally make a decision to focus on yourself instead of finding ways to make you feel worse.
Take this day to focus on yourself rather than watch how other people live their lives.
9 – create an inspiring vision board
Go on Pinterest, save some photos that remind you of goals you want to achieve, and make a vision board in Canva.
I share all the benefits of visualization and a step-by-step guide on how to manifest with visualization in this post. You will also learn different ways to make a vision board so if that’s something you’d like to try, dedicate half an hour after journaling to create an inspiring vision board.
Hey, we are only on the 9th tip, and I hope you’re starting to realize there are actually a lot of amazing things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day.
Use this day for ultimate self-empowerment. Especially if you have a tendency to avoid things out of fear or insecurities. These are great ways to work on your confidence.
10 – remind yourself how amazing you are
“Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them.”
― Mandy Hale
If you’re feeling low-key frustrated about being single on Valentine’s Day and it brings feelings like you’re not good enough, not desirable enough, etc. It’s time to remind yourself how awesome you actually are.
How to do that?
Write a list of the small wins you had in the last month. Getting up when all you wanted to do was sleep in? It’s a win. Not ordering Uber Eats and cooking at home? Win. Yes, even if that happened only once in the last 30 days. Came up with a great idea at work? Win.
No matter how small they are, acknowledge all the times you chose a better option. All the times you chose to take a step towards a version of yourself that you feel proud of.
You can also make a list of bigger achievements in your life and keep it on your phone for times when you need some extra self-empowerment.
Another thing you can do is download this list of 111 powerful affirmations to build confidence and up-level your mindset.
I recommend using each day as an opportunity to celebrate yourself and feel good about yourself.
11 – do a workout or go for a long walk
There’s a tendency to choose our comfort zones every time we feel anything less than fabulous.
We got a bit spoiled there, didn’t we?
When we don’t feel powerful and confident, we don’t take powerful actions.
So I say – disrupt the pattern.
Do you feel a bit sad about being single on Valentine’s Day? Get yourself out of your comfort zone and do a workout. Or go for a long walk. Or book a reformer pilates class.
Why not skip a movie marathon and fried food, and instead feel amazing in your body?
Skip your pity party, get up, and do something that will make you feel fabulous when you’re done.
12 – do a quick declutter
Here is a list of 6 items you can easily declutter in one day.
It will make you feel more organized and on top of things.
You don’t have to start a 30-day minimalism challenge, but you could spend an hour decluttering the items you use every day. I explained everything in the post I mentioned above.
For me, decluttering is such a mood-booster. I love having clean and minimal space around me so decluttering is a great activity for your environment and for your mind.
13 – make a list of things you enjoy doing and start ticking them off
Is there a more enjoyable way to prioritize yourself than by doing the things you love?
If you have some creative hobby you haven’t done in a while, now is the time. Maybe you want to get outside and read, go to the beach, get your hair done…
Whatever it is; make a list of things that always make you happy and start ticking things off.
Related post:
9 Reasons Why Having a Creative Hobby Is Good for You
14 – stay in and watch a movie starring your celebrity crush
Ooh la la.
I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy a movie much more if I already know and like the actors.
Even if a movie has a 5.3 rating on IMDB, but has Tom Hiddleston or Jason Momoa starring… Who am I to say no to it?
If you have no idea what to watch, I recommend a good Sons of Anarchy binge. Tommy Flanagan’s Scottish accent and Tig’s attitude… It’s a yes.
15 – don’t make a big deal out of yet another date in a calendar and live your life like you normally would
I mean… Someone had to say it. (And I get the extra joy of disrupting the usual advice and disrupting what’s ‘’normal.’’)
Valentine’s Day only has a meaning if you give it meaning.
Nothing has any meaning until you attach meaning to it.
If you make a big deal out of February 14th, then it’s going to be a big deal for you. Cue all the stress and pressure.
The fact is that Valentine’s Day isn’t personally connected to you. Even if your birthday is on the same date, Valentine’s Day – as a tradition – isn’t in any way, shape, or form connected to you.
You don’t have to celebrate it. Ever. You don’t have to give it any meaning.
It’s not your obligation to stick to ‘’traditions.’’
At any point in your life, you have a choice to say ‘’to hell with this’’ and let go of things, dates, traditions, jobs, or people that don’t bring you joy.
Now onto things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day that come with a price tag.
Things to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day – for ones that are in the mood to spend some $$$
16 – go on a one-day trip to your favorite city near you
This is such a simple experience that I always enjoy. Sitting at your favorite cafe in your favorite city near you. Walking through your favorite streets…
Even if you’ve been to that city more than 20 times, it will still be a nice experience to get away for a day and get out of your familiar routine for a while.
You don’t have to book a flight to another continent. You can explore the city near you to get out of a rut for a bit and enjoy your day in a new way.
17 – fill your day with all of your favorites
I assume this one might not be completely free, so I added it here. Of course, depending on what your personal favorites are, maybe you won’t need to spend money.
Imagine this:
Start the day by drinking your favorite morning beverage.
Do your favorite meditation or listen to your favorite podcast.
Make your favorite breakfast.
Wear your favorite clothes.
Put on your favorite perfume and your favorite jewelry while listening to your favorite songs.
Go to your favorite part of the city.
Sit at your favorite cafe, order your favorite drink/food, and read your favorite book.
On the way home, buy your favorite dessert.
Watch your favorite movie or Netflix show.
Make a cup of your favorite tea.
Put on your favorite body lotion before going to bed.
How good is this! Stop waiting for a special occasion and use all your favorite things now.
You decide if the day is going to be special. So start acting as if every day is special – because it is.
Learn more about how to prioritize yourself and build your confidence:
5 Powerful Habits that Will Boost Your Confidence
8 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough
8 Tips to Say No Without Feeling Guilty and Selfish
18 – buy a new sex toy
Some people look forward to chocolate discounts on Valentine’s Day and some people look forward to sex toy discounts in February.
Go do some online shopping that you won’t regret.
19 – buy yourself a gift you would love to receive from someone else
It can be a clothing item, a new perfume of your favorite perfume line, flowers, a piece of jewelry…
Instead of relying on someone else and needing someone else to take care of you, learn to rely on yourself.
Always be your first choice.
20 – go to the movies and watch that movie you’ve been dying to see
“At some point, we all have to learn how to walk into a party or a restaurant alone. Otherwise, we will be willing to walk in with ANYBODY (or worse, walk out with anybody).”
― Catherine Gray
This one is great for your confidence. I know, you might be worried that someone you know will see you alone at the movies on Valentine’s Day.
But so what? Should that really stop you from enjoying your life?
Who cares that you might be the only single person in the movies? Is there a requirement to have a +1 for a movie? I don’t think so.
Dress up like you’re going on a date with the coolest person you know (because you are), get a large popcorn, smuggle in your favorite drink, and enjoy yourself.
Psst. Bonus points if you pair this one with the number 14 from this list.
21 – use this day to focus on yourself and learn more about yourself
“You are loved. Massively. Ferociously. Unconditionally. The Universe is totally freaking out about how awesome you are. It’s got you wrapped in a warm gorilla hug of adoration. It wants to give you everything you desire. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to see what it sees in you.”
― Jen Sincero
Sure, you can sit down and make a list of all the characteristics you want in your next partner.
But also, you can use the time when you’re single to learn more about yourself.
I love and live Human Design. If you’re into astrology, you will love Human Design as well. Unlike astrology, I find HD more practical.
Human Design tells you how you’re meant to make the best decisions, what are some areas of your life where you can easily get off track, how to use your energy, and so much more.
If you want to buy yourself an incredible gift that will help you learn more about yourself, accept, and love yourself – get your unique Human Design blueprint.
That’s all for today’s post, my love. I hope you found a few things you’re keen to do today or throughout the week so that you can enjoy your life more.
If there were some things on this list that didn’t resonate with you, no worries. We’re all different. Find what works for you and let go of the rest.
Until the next time,
self-love tips things to do when you're single valentine's day
These are great ideas for what to do on Valentine’s Day for singles. If Valentine’s is on a weekend, you could also take yourself on a solo trip! (I almost spit out my water with #1! LOL Love it.) I can relate to the self-talk that goes on in your mind. Know that these thoughts come by chance, not by choice. That makes it easier to dismiss them and realize that sometimes it’s ok to not trust your brain! BTW, I didn’t get married until I was 34. I met my husband three years prior to that, and he was definitely worth waiting for. I think your twenties are for getting to know yourself, and the thirties are a great time to get married!
I just love it! Straight to the point, humorous and REAL! Happy Valentine’s, or 10th or 28th to you!
I really really enjoyed this blog. Filled with so much great ideas, some unexpected ones too!