Do you sometimes think you’re not good enough? Or maybe that you don’t have enough money or enough time to do the things you love? When thoughts like these stop you from taking action towards living your dream life, it’s time to change something. It’s time for overcoming your limiting beliefs.
But how do you actually do that? How do you overcome something you’ve been struggling with for years?
Well, grab a cup of coffee, a journal and let’s start overcoming those limiting beliefs together.
Step #1 Start overcoming your limiting beliefs by journaling about them.
The first step to overcoming your limiting beliefs is recognizing that you have them. You can’t solve a problem until you define what exactly is the problem. When you admit that you are struggling with something, you take away its power.
Therefore, in the first step, open your journal and be honest with yourself. You need to ask yourself the right questions to determine the cause of your limiting beliefs. Take full responsibility for your life and ask yourself why you’re not where you want to be in life.
Is it because you don’t have enough money, time, support? You’re not ready enough? You don’t look good enough?
As Mike Bayer in his book Best Self said, fear can be conquered with honesty. He suggests asking yourself questions like
- What are the fears that have held me back from making changes to my life?
- What is my fear?
- What is that fear keeping me away from?
- What is my plan to stop my fear from becoming a reality?
Step #2 Rewrite your story.
As Alissa Finerman in her book Living In Your Top 1% said, you can choose between having a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.
If you choose to have a growth mindset, you’ll act like life is a learning process and you can always improve. However, if you choose to have a fixed mindset, you’re going to stay stuck with whatever abilities you already have.
When you’re in the process of overcoming your limiting beliefs, you have to shift to a growth mindset. You can’t stay stuck with the same thought patterns you had. You’ll need to create new ones that are aligned with the new version of yourself you’re creating.
You can’t blame other people for your current situation.
Hear me out on this one, because this is what often happens. First, someone asks you to do something.
Then, you say yes because you put THEM as a priority, and not yourself.
And then, in your mind, you blame THEM for your situation.
Stop blaming other people for how you live your life. In order to rewrite your story, you have to realize that it’s only YOUR story to write. You’re not only the main character, but you’re also the writer.
Start developing a growth mindset by realizing that you can change at any given time. Your story can change. But first, you have to work on your mindset.
Begin by encouraging yourself with affirmations. If you don’t have enough money, you don’t have to instantly start saying that you have an abundance of money. That’s going to be hard to believe so you’re going to feel like you’re lying to yourself instead of encouraging yourself. However, you can pick one of these affirmations
- I am manifesting an abundance of money.
- I am allowing money to come.
- I’m worthy of having money.
- Money comes to me easily.
Check out my eBook and get 100 affirmations, more than 100 journal prompts, and other mindset tools I use to create my dream life.
On sale until the end of July using the code JULY40 at the checkout.
Step #3 Start taking a different action.
After you change your thoughts, this one will come naturally. First, you will start thinking encouraging thoughts. Next, you will FEEL better about yourself and more excited about life. Then, your WORDS will change. You will start saying more positive words and attract positive people into your life. And, from there, your ACTIONS will change. You will start taking actions based on the encouraging thoughts, emotions, and words.
As you can see, this is how you change your life. It all begins in your mind. You can choose what are you going to focus on. You can decide every single day are you going to do something that will lead you towards the better version of yourself. Or, are you going to call yourself ugly, fat, stupid, or any other negative word you don’t deserve.
Certainly, overcoming limiting beliefs is a process. You’re not going to journal about them for 15 minutes and think that’s it.
It will take more than one day to overcome something you’ve been struggling with for years. It will take more than one day to take back your power and accept yourself for who you are. Scars and everything.
But this is something you need to do. You have to know your worth. You need to forgive yourself for what has been and be your biggest cheerleader for things to come. Personally, I still have some limiting beliefs. I’m still shy in front of the camera, and that’s something I need to work on.
However, I have improved in many other areas in my life and I’m proud of myself for how far have I come when it comes to crushing my old limiting beliefs. I approach myself with understanding and compassion. And that’s something I encourage you to do, as well.
I challenge you to see your worth. To recognize how far you have come in your life. I challenge you to connect with yourself. To love yourself. You have your whole life to spend with yourself. Try being your biggest support instead of being your only limit. Work through your blocks. Work through your fears. And go after the life you want. Unapologetically.
Feel free to share this post with anyone who needs to read it!
And comment down below your biggest win this year. What’s something you achieved that means a lot to you? Oftentimes we forget to remember how amazing we are, so here’s an opportunity to focus only on the best!
*Disclaimer: Affiliate links are used in this post. I only recommend products I personally use and love, so I can provide my honest opinion. If you decide to purchase the product using my link, it will be at no additional cost to you, and I will earn a small commission.
Until the next time,
This is great advice on how to overcome limiting beliefs. It ties into what I would consider a win for this year, which is starting my blog again. It’s been a struggle and some days I still want to quit but I just keep telling myself I CAN do it.
Love that, Rebecca! You absolutely CAN do it!
It’s normal that you want to quit sometimes, especially in the beginning when you’re not seeing results and are wondering why are you even doing it. Every successful blogger has gone through that phase.
BUT, if that’s something you really want to do, then let your passion guide you. We all start from zero, and only YOU decide how far will you go.
Really good advice! I’ve been journaling for many years, and it always helps.
My big win this year is that I adopted a new, healthier cooking style to accommodate my husband’s health needs, and started a website/blog to share it with others.
Yes, journaling is a life-changer 🙂
That’s amazing, April! Love that you decided to take it a step further and document your journey on your blog!
“Stop blaming other people for how you live your life. In order to rewrite your story, you have to realize that it’s only YOUR story to write.” – I love this quote so much, and I wish that I had realised that sooner! I’d say that my biggest win this year is slowly learning to take breaks, even when I have a ton of stuff to do! It seems like such a small thing, but I’ve been struggling with this a lot since I’ve started working for myself. I’m even planning to take an actual vacation for the first time in almost two years. 🙂
That’s definitely a big one, Karina! I feel like a lot of people nowadays are struggling with finding a balance between work and breaks. And that line becomes so blurry when you’re working from home.
So happy for you that you managed to work it out 🙂
I’m sure that much-needed vacation is going to feel really rewarding!
I’ve really worked on this this year. It’s enabled me to feel confident enough to go LIVE on social media.
Love that, Katy! Going live is definitely a great way to build a connection with your audience 🙂
I’d say my biggest win this year is that I’ve taken control of my health. I’ve lost 30 pounds (looking to lose about 20 more) and I’m living a much healthier life style. Excited to see where I end up by the end of this year!
I’m so happy for you, Anna! It’s amazing how you decided to take control of your health and that you’re loving the results 🙂