What do you have in common with all the successful people you look up to? Time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Do you want to spend your time intentionally? Do you want to lay in your bed at the end of the day with a smile on your face knowing that you achieved all you wanted throughout the day? Are you really satisfied with the way you spend your time or you think you’re wasting your time? If you think there’s room for better time management, keep reading.
1. Why are you wasting your time?
I always like to start with a ”why”. Why are you wasting your time and why do you want to change it are crucial questions to realize what do you actually want. It will give you the motivation to spend your time intentionally.
Probably you find yourself wasting your time because it’s easier than actually doing something or you don’t even know what to do next. Try taking a few minutes to focus on the solution, rather than just complaining about the way you spend your time. Some questions that also might help are – what are your priorities at the moment/what does your ideal day look like.
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2. What are you wasting your time on?
Make a list of all the things you know are huge distractions and time-wasters. It can be hitting the snooze button (if you know you can get up at 7, set an alarm for 7 instead of setting it for 6.30 and then snoozing until you know it’s time to get up) or refreshing every social media account waiting for likes or for someone to post something (decide to live your life instead of looking at how other people live theirs). Whatever it is, make sure you know what it is so that you can remove it or reduce it in your life.
P. S. If you’ve been on your own self-improvement journey and you want to dive deeper, check out my journaling bundle.
The bundle includes guided journaling workshops for building confidence, creating the next-level version of yourself, and setting goals. It’s so powerful to help you dig deeper within yourself and start making a change in your life so that you can reach your goals. Sound good? Then get your bundle on the link here and snag some pretty cool bonuses!
3. Make a to-do list.
We often find ourselves wasting our time when we don’t know what to do next. We might have all these desires but have no idea where to start.
Break the big goal into smaller steps so that you have a certain task to focus on every day. If you want to be fit and healthy, you might want to meal prep today or do some yoga. If you want to start a YouTube channel, plan out your 1st video.
There is always something you can do. Find out what it is that you can do today that will bring you closer to your goal. And then focus on that and start taking action.
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How to Start Taking Action: 3 Ways to Deal With Procrastinating
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4. Do something productive while doing everyday tasks.
Listen to a podcast while cooking or listen to some Skillshare class while cleaning your house. There are so many podcasts on how to be healthier, more mindful, etc. and so many Skillshare classes on photography, business, meditation, you name it.
You can always learn something about things that interest you, even if you think you don’t have the time. I often listen to podcasts while I’m on the bus when I’m going somewhere. It just makes things we do every day more fun.
One more thing I started doing lately is scheduling my pins while watching Netflix. It takes me about an hour every day to create and schedule my pins, and it’s not the most enjoyable task when you’re a blogger.
So, to make it more fun, I do it while I’m watching some Netflix show. Watching Netflix could be considered as wasting your time, and, not gonna lie, often it is. However, when you do something productive while having it in the background, it’s actually more enjoyable. And you don’t feel guilty for wasting your time while sitting in front of the TV for a few hours.
3 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success
5. Challenge yourself.
If you find yourself constantly refreshing your IG feed, try locking your phone automatically after 10-20 minutes so when you’re done with your phone, put it away, and the next time you reach it if it’s not locked it means that 10-20 minutes haven’t passed yet and try not to touch it until it’s locked.
There are also heaps of apps for that same purpose so choose something that suits you. I do only that because I don’t like having a lot of apps, but you can experiment and find what works the best for you.
You could also challenge yourself with reading some new books about productivity if that’s what resonates with you at the moment.
Find ways to stop wasting your time and make it a fun challenge for yourself.
Maybe it’s going to look like removing social media apps for a week or not using the Internet after 6 pm.
Ask yourself what do you need to do to stop wasting your time and do exactly that for at least a week to see how it goes.
6. Realize that you’re the only person in control of your time.
As I’ve said, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Are you going to watch the whole season of Stranger Things? Are you going to do something meaningful with your life? It’s your choice.
Sure, it’s easier to press play and enjoy some movie while being curled up in a blanket with a cup of tea, but I’d suggest leaving that for the end of the day.
Work on your goals, work on yourself. Take the right steps that will lead you towards the life you’ll be excited about.
And always, always, take care of yourself. Relax when you need to but know the difference between relaxing and wasting your time.
For some extra motivation, check out my ”100 Steps Closer” eBook filled with motivational quotes, affirmations, journal prompts and action steps to get you 100 steps closer to the life you want.
Have an amazing day,
I like the idea about podcasts. I’ve recently started in a work environment with free WiFi. Lord knows I’m about to download the heck out of those audio books. 😜
I agree completely. Time management of technology is the key forward. Too much time looking at screens is making the human race a little dull.
Investing in bluetooth earbuds was the best thing I’ve done for be productive. I can wash my dishes and have a youtube video running at the same time without having to worry about whacking the chord out my phone.
Though I could definitely use a kick in the butt to get started. lol
XO Steph
That’s a great idea 😀
Einstein said ” time is an illusion “.