When I first got into the Law of Attraction, I just wanted to know how to manifest with the Law of Attraction. I heard other people’s success stories and learned that you need to focus on the positive, so I wanted to know what do I actually need to do to manifest my desires.
In today’s post, I’m sharing 6 things that will help you manifest with the Law of Attraction and bring your dream life to reality.
Let’s dive in.
1. practice gratitude every day
Let’s start with a simple action step to help you manifest with the Law of Attraction. Start your day by making a gratitude list. Focus on a minimum of 3 things that you’re thankful for.
For instance, after I’ve done my workout today, I took a break and thought about things I’m grateful for. Sunny weather, waking up full of energy ready for my workout, and the freedom to schedule my day how I want. My mind goes faster than I can write so I prefer just thinking about things I’m grateful for instead of writing a list. But you do what works for you.
Just make sure you put yourself in a high vibration by focusing on what you have vs. what you lack.
And in the evening, start your gratitude list by thinking of the best thing that has happened to you during the day. That way you’re concentrating on the positive and again raising your vibration which is essential for manifesting with the Law of Attraction.
And even if something negative has happened, by giving attention to the positive aspects you’re only going to receive more of the positive things. So don’t fight the bad, but focus on the good.
When you’re practicing gratitude, think about why you’re grateful for each thing. If you’re writing down that you’re grateful for sunny weather and then just moving on to the next thing, you’re not experiencing gratitude with your whole body. To get yourself into the highest frequency that matches your desires, you need to feel gratitude with your whole being.
How do you do that?
Think about why you’re grateful for each thing on your gratitude list. Think about it until you say to yourself, ”Wow! This is actually amazing. I feel so blessed to have this. This is insane! I’m so grateful. Thank you, Universe.”
2. focus on the present moment
We constantly find ourselves rushing through life, so sometimes all you need is to sit down and enjoy the moment. There are 2 ways that I prefer when it comes to being present:
1 – meditation
Take a few minutes just to focus on your breath. If you’re struggling with meditation, try guided meditations. I’d suggest this YouTube channel. It took me a few months to switch from their meditations to just me sitting in my room or on my balcony in the sun and meditating without anyone’s voice guiding me. Now it feels so good to be able to just close my eyes and start meditating whenever I want.
2 – the 5 senses technique
This one is fun. You basically just need to list 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 things you smell, and 1 thing you taste. I love this one because it literally brings you back at the moment as you become aware of your surroundings and notice the beauty around you.
Why do I say that focusing on the present moment will help you manifest with the Law of Attraction?
It’s this quote:
”If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
– Lao Tzu
In order to manifest with the Law of Attraction, you want to let go of how and when your desire will come to you. You need to be at peace knowing that it’s coming and everything is as it should be.
When you’re desperately thinking about when is your desire coming and why it’s not here yet – you’re just pushing it away from you.
You’re not magnetic when you’re in that desperate state. So do what you can at this moment, and know that what you want is on its way to you.
3. specific techniques to help you manifest with the Law of Attraction: visualize & script your ideal outcome
Yes, be in the present moment, but also know exactly where you want to go from here. If you want to manifest with the Law of Attraction, you need to know exactly what you want. Otherwise, how are you going to get it?
Being specific is key.
I’ll share with you some of the most popular Law of Attraction techniques, but you choose one that feels best for you. If you’re a visual person, try visualization. If you prefer writing, then choose scripting.
1 – visualization
A big help could be a vision board, which you can read more about here (how to use visualization to attract what you want).
I’ve had Australia on my mind constantly for the past few years. I don’t know what it is, just a persistent urge to go/move there… So I put a picture of Gold Coast as my desktop background and each time I close all my tabs, I FEEL like I’m sunbathing at Surfers Paradise.
That picture is so real and it’s so easy to tap into the emotions I would feel when I would find myself there.
So what you need to do is visualize how you want your day to go. Or visualize the goals you have and yourself achieving them. Focus on the emotions you will feel once the goal is accomplished.
2 – scripting
This is also a powerful way to manifest with the Law of Attraction. I scripted my ideal day in Paris even before I went on my trip, and the day turned out exactly as I scripted it. I manifested some other things with scripting so I know how powerful this manifestation tool is.
You can also have a notebook to write things as you manifest them. Remember that what you want also has a vibration. So align yourself to that frequency by focusing on the feelings you’ll have once that comes into your reality.
While you’re journaling you can also go into details by writing exactly how you want certain situations to go. Have fun with it.
P. S. If you’ve been on your own self-improvement journey and you want to dive deeper, check out my journaling bundle.
The bundle includes guided journaling workshops for building confidence, creating the next-level version of yourself, and setting goals. It’s so powerful to help you dig deeper within yourself and start making a change in your life so that you can reach your goals and manifest the life of your dreams. Sound good? Then get your bundle on the link here and snag some pretty cool bonuses!
4. use empowering affirmations
Say to yourself what you want to be, have, or do in the present moment. Tell yourself how amazing you are and how worthy you are of living the best life. Repeating affirmations is great because it helps you build confidence, get rid of your limiting beliefs, and trust in the process.
Some of my favorites are ”I am always attracting abundance. / I am worthy of the best in life and I am ready to live it.” The options are endless so choose the ones that resonate with you and with what you want to manifest.
FREE download:
111 Powerful Affirmations to Up-Level Your Life
5. act ”as if”
I can’t emphasize enough how this one is a complete life changer when you want to manifest with the Law of Attraction.
Whatever you wish to manifest, act as if you have already manifested it. A simple example would be, if you want to have a fit body – act as if you already have it. Yes, you do already know how. Stop eating more than your body needs, start exercising, and think like a fit person.
Law of Attraction isn’t just ”think the thoughts and the results will come”. You have to act accordingly as well.
You have to put your whole being to the vibration of the things you want to attract. Do you want to attract a certain someone? Stop chasing them and let the Universe bring you the person who is right for you. In the meantime, work on yourself.
Want to be a full-time blogger? Act as if you already are, which means – treat your blog as you would any other full-time job. Put in the work and the results will come.
Read more on how to act ”as if” to attract what you want in this post.
6. choose kindness
Being kind to others can only raise your vibration. Don’t expect anything in return, just be kind to others.
Don’t be afraid that you’ll be late for some appointment if you help out an old lady with her groceries. Stop thinking that you won’t have enough money if you give $1 to someone in need. Let go of the thought that the old clothes you own but never wear mean more to you than to people you could donate them to.
There is abundance in the world. There is enough of everything for everyone. Find some opportunities to spread kindness today.
Until the next time,
Being kind is soo important! No matter how many of the other points you’ve mastered, none of it will matter if you don’t practice kindness. Love the list!
Absolutely! I’m glad you enjoyed it 😀
I have been trying to implement some of these practices in my life, and they are super helpful.
They are 😀
Fantastic post! I’ve always been an advocate for mindfulness and gratitude practices, but I feel like I’ve lost sight of my daily practice a bit recently with so much going on in life. this is a really nice reminder of how easy it can be to incorporate into day to day life and attract the things you want. Thank you! <3
Definitely 🙂 You’re welcome!
I feel the same way. Months ago I was practicing so many of these and this is a great reminder to get back on track to where and what I want to be. Thank you for the reminder.
It’s always beneficial to review our goals and what we want in life, you’re welcome 😀
Wonderful reminders … I do all of these but it’s easy to forget when you have a busy chedule!! Thanks 🙌🙏
I agree 🙂 You’re welcome!
Thank you for sharing these! I was excited to discover that I do many of them already, but your tips are going to help me up my game and vibe a little higher. <3
That’s fantastic 🙂 Glad I could help!