Acting ”as if ” is one of the Law of Attraction powerful techniques for manifesting your dream reality. The idea behind it is that by acting as if you have already reached your goal, you are aligning yourself with that version of yourself and bringing it faster into your physical experience.
Once you start acting as if you have the life you want, you will start to change your habits, beliefs, and attitudes which will bring you the life that is aligned with your vision.
Let’s dive into the 5 action steps you can take to start acting as if.
1. Get clear on your vision.
Take a few minutes and ask yourself what do you want to achieve and why do you want to achieve it. If you want to become fit, write it on a piece of paper, think about how it will make you feel, the confidence you’re going to build, or how your body will be stronger. Think about what your exact goals are so that you know what you’re going for.
The first step towards any goal you have is gaining clarity on what it is that you want and why it’s important for you.
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How to Manifest with the Law of Attraction
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2. Find inspiration for acting as if.
The best method in my experience for finding inspiration is thinking about how other people who have already achieved what I desire act like.
When I started this blog, one of my goals was to become a full-time blogger. That goal can be quite overwhelming in the beginning.
However, seeing people who have achieved it and reading about their experience made it so much easier. For instance, I was reading blog posts on how full-time bloggers work from home and how they manage their time for blogging. That was very helpful for me since when I started blogging I had no idea what to do.
Finding inspiration from other people doesn’t mean copying them and their lifestyle. It means that you’re realizing what is working for them and if you think it would work for you, then include it into your life in your own way. Same thing if your goal is to get fit. You can find inspiration for workouts/meals online, but still, you can adjust it in a way it works for you.
When being inspired by other people, I prefer focusing on their attitude instead of what they are doing. Yes, you can get some inspiration from their habits, but in acting as if – the attitude is key. Think about how they go through their days. They are surely not wasting their time and complaining about things that go wrong.
Everything starts in your thoughts. People who are full-time bloggers know that they have to show up for their readers and people who are fit know the importance of exercising and they are not avoiding it.
Get into the mindset of a person who has achieved what you want and start acting as if you already are that person, not anyone else. Not the past you, but instead – the best version of you. The version who has achieved the goal.
If you want some help with this, check out my journaling bundle. It includes guided journaling workshops for the next-level version of yourself, where you’ll gain clarity on WHO you need to be to start manifesting your dream life.
3. Get rid of everything that is not aligning with your vision.
In order to get from point A to point B, you need to realize that first, you have to move away from point A. Don’t be afraid to leave everything that is not serving you on point A. Point A is where you are now, point B is your ideal life. I encourage you to take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns, and on the left side write ”A – present” and on the right side ”B – ideal life”.
In the first column write everything that is not serving you. It may be sleeping in, snoozing the alarm, that ”friend” who is only calling you when they need something, clothes that don’t fit, food that is making you feel bloated, books you own but you know you will never read, certain people you follow on Instagram… Whatever that is, write it down.
You need to be willing to get rid of things that are making you stuck in point A if you want to move forward. Realize that getting rid of everything AND everyone who doesn’t make you feel good – is a step forward.
You have to grow. And in order to grow, in order to reach your dream life, you have to start by aligning with it in every way. Start acting as if you already are surrounded by people you love and start acting as if you already are on point B.
4. Include in your life things that are aligned with your vision to make acting as if easier.
And now we are on the right side of that paper. Think about the things you need to learn or improve to become the best version of yourself.
Now is also a good time to think about the story you’re telling yourself. Instead of, ”It’s raining outside, I can’t go for a run today” say ”It’s raining outside, but that’s not stopping me to do a workout or a quick yoga flow at home.”
Include positive self-talk, speak the part you’re preparing the whole Universe for, and start acting that part. Don’t think about how you don’t have the time for something, because no one has the time. We all MAKE the time for things we care about. Schedule the time for the life you want.
If you have 30 minutes to scroll on social media, you have 30 minutes to take one step toward your dream life, as well. It’s all about prioritizing and now is the time to make your best life a priority.
Speak the part. Look the part. Act the part.
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How to Manifest Money with the Law of Attraction
5. Live your vision.
Don’t waste your time thinking about how to find yourself or how to find what you want. You don’t find yourself, you create yourself. Create the best you the world has ever seen. Start acting as if you already are the person you want to be and you’ll soon notice the opportunities coming your way that will help you create your best life.
You have to prepare yourself for that. You can’t wake up late every day, rush to the job you hate, and say how you don’t have the time to work on something you enjoy. Take an hour if that’s all that you have every day to work on an ideal version of yourself.
If you want to start a blog, start it. If you want to have more time for yourself, make the time for yourself. Get up an hour earlier or take the laptop with you and go to the coffee shop to write a blog post.
A lot of time I hear people saying how they don’t have the time for anything because they have a job, or they have kids, or whatever excuse makes them feel good.
If you’re focusing on excuses, you’re going to find plenty of them. But if you want to focus on the ways you can live your best life, you’ll find even more ways to make it happen.
It’s time to stop making excuses. There are people who were in your situation but they have made it to the point where they are living their best life now. How? By focusing on the solution. You’re not going to get too far if all you do is blaming others and finding excuses all the time.
Realize that you deserve what you want. Nothing is out of reach if you get up and go for it. Acting as if is not ”fake it till you make it”. There is absolutely nothing fake in it. Fake is to have dreams and not going for them. That’s not being true to yourself.
Acting as if is knowing you deserve the best and not being afraid to go for it even before you see it. It’s choosing the highest vibration and staying focused on what you want.
It’s shifting your perspective, embracing change, and seizing the opportunities. Letting them come to you by becoming aware of your endless potential and your worth of living the best life.
Become open to receiving everything you want by being who you want. Nothing is stopping you besides yourself. Stop making excuses and start living the life you want, the way you want it.
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3 Toxic Mindsets that Sabotage Your Success
Have an amazing day,
acting as if dream life law of attraction manifestation tips
Nice post dear, Thanks for sharing, appreciate your efforts
Thank you for sharing so much good information we can use in our daily lives.. you are amazing and very inspirational โค๏ธ
Thanks, Delia! Happy to hear that ๐
AMAZING. You chose just the right words. I believe every single word you say, and I believe everyone of us can manifest that dream life with these steps. Gonna do that exercise with the A and B just now. Would love to see your version of it though! Maybe we can chat about it? Keep up your amazing work!
What a great post!
You have such a wonderful way to tell the hard truth and really help people to move to their best potential.
Thanks and keep doing it!
Thank you! Glad to hear that ๐
I love this post. I am working toward a REALLY BIG goal for December and my biggest part of this is visualizing my goal and acting on it.
I wish you the best of luck with reaching your goal ๐ Just trust the process and don’t doubt yourself ๐